Global warming is one of the primary concerns that Earth faces today. There are many effects of global warming – physical, ecological, social and economic. Rising sea levels and decreased snow cover in the Northern hemisphere are examples of the impact of global warming.

Since the mid-twentieth century, the effects of global warming have continued to remain a threat. The increase in greenhouse gas concentration predicts future climate changes, and possible catastrophic weather events. Several countries have agreed to implement policies designed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in order to reduce the effects of global warming. The sooner we act, the better it will be for us.

As responsible inhabitants of the planet, it is our primary duty to preserve our environment and ensure that it is passed on to the next generation in the same way that it was received from the previous one. It is a problem that is too big for any one individual to take on, and must be solved through joint effort. Some easy steps to reduce global warming are consuming less energy, reusing and recycling, and planting trees.

Planting trees doesn’t just give us oxygen and shelter, it also plays an important role in reducing greenhouse gases. There are many advantages of planting trees when it comes to helping the environment. They are a large source of our oxygen supply and trees feed off of carbon dioxide. Also, planting trees in strategic locations around homes can cut air-conditioning costs considerably and keep in check, air and water pollution. Lastly, trees bring diverse groups of people together because tree planting provides an opportunity for community involvement and empowerment that improves the quality of life in our neighbourhoods. All cultures, ages and genders have an important role to play at a tree planting or tree care event.

So, start digging if you have the means to plant a tree or get involved with tree planting campaigns and organisations. Remember, the goal is to make the Earth a greener and cleaner planet.

- The reader is an employee at a utility manufacturing company based out of Dubai.