Enjoy pregnancy
Gulf News's report on the book written by psychologists Dr Nadia Bu Hannad and Dr Fadwa Al Mughairbi touched a very sensitive topic and made for an interesting read ("Psychological support helps pregnant women to cope, author says", Gulf News, May 8). It is very true that women going through pregnancy generally have mood swings and are highly concerned about bodily changes. The acceptance and support of their husbands and others during this time is very important to them. However, it should be said that pregnancy is a wonderful experience and most of the occurrences during this phase are normal and expected. The best way to handle pregnancy is to keep oneself busy and productive, accept changes and to keep in mind that such changes are not for a lifetime. Enjoy every small movement and relish the moments without being bothered about things one cannot control!
From Ms Shivani Singh

Blanket ban
I used to smoke and I stopped nine months ago ("Death by smoke", Gulf News, May 10). I think it would be easier for smokers to quit everything that causes them to smoke, such as drinking coffee and surfing the internet. After a while, they would start to hate the smell of cigarettes. I think the sale of cigarettes should be completely prohibited. People will forget that there was ever something called "cigarettes"!
From Mr Samer Karazi
Website comment

Wrong approach
It has been 13 years since I quit smoking and now, I really hate the smell of tobacco. World authorities should just ban the manufacture of cigarettes, instead of asking companies to fund health campaigns.
From Mr George O. Adongo
Website comment

Time to quit
I have been a chain smoker for 18 years, but I decided to quit overnight. I used to visualise myself hating tobacco and this notion became so strong, I have actually developed the same in reality. I used to experience breathing difficulties two months after I quit, but it soon changed for the better. To all my fellow smokers - it is possible to quit, so please quit now!
From Mr Mazda Moussavi
Website comment

Tracing habits
Training drivers through simulators is a very good initiative ("Learner drivers to be trained on simulator", Gulf News, May 10). It is very helpful for learners and would allow them to understand driving patterns.
From Ms Anjum
Website comment

Real driving
Hypothetically, the simulator may reduce the number of accidents, but I think good driving habits, obeying traffic rules, awareness of road conditions and respect for others' lives is the only way to reduce road accidents.
From Mr Noor Mohammad Y.
Abu Dhabi
Website comment

Serious case
I think the woman who found a piece of glass in her pizza should definitely receive some compensation for the pain and inconvenience of spending a few days in the hospital ("Woman sues restaurant, seeks compensation over 'glass in pizza'", Gulf News, May 10). However, Dh500,000 is not reasonable. Additionally, it is important to consider whether the woman will suffer a permanent disability for the rest of her life. If she makes a full recovery, then the amount she wins in the lawsuit should reflect that. However, a larger fine should be given to the restaurant because of the seriousness of the health hazard.
From Mr Tim
Abu Dhabi
Website comment

Do it at home
This is in response to the letter by Ms Priya Kumar, in which she stated that social networking websites are a bad influence and should be banned ("Ban websites", Gulf News, May 8). I think the best solution for concerned readers like her is not to advocate blocking such websites, but rather to place firewalls or restrictions on internet connections in their own homes. This would be better than writing letters about it. Social networking sites are great for musicians and other people who make a difference to society. As a musician, I would definitely not appreciate such websites being blocked. If people are concerned about their children, they should not allow them access to the internet. Alternatively, they could change their internet settings and block certain websites - but do it on your own, please.
From A Reader
Name withheld by request

Just clarifying
I am an 11-year-old student, attending an Indian school, where we are encouraged to collect cans, plastic and paper for recycling ("Hidden agenda", Gulf News, May 8). When I read that a reader was concerned about the reasons for such drives, I felt I had to clarify certain points. Firstly, children are not forced to actually buy, drink and then collect soft drink cans. Rather, we are advised to collect them from either our homes or neighbourhoods. However, I appreciate the reader's concern about the health of children. Children must strictly be advised not to consume too many soft drinks.
From Ms Aleefia Xec

Filled with pride
I have read many reports about Manny Pacquiao in Gulf News and found they made very good observations ("Future looks fine in Pacquiao's hands", Gulf News, May 9). I am a Filipino based in Manila and was delighted that Pacman silenced any doubts after defeating British opponent Ricky Hatton. After the knockout, it was like celebrating New Year's in the Philippines. I remember watching an interview in which the legendary boxer said that if he needed to fight every day just to make Filipinos unite, he would do it. Pacquiao is more than just a boxer - he is a symbol of hope to many people around the world.
From Mr Angelo Tabanus


My credit card limit is Dh6,000, but The Royal Bank of Scotland has allowed me to use my credit card beyond Dh6,000. It happened without my consent. I was charged Dh318 as "Over Limit Fee". They refused to reverse the charges. When expenses on my credit card approached the Dh6,000 limit, why did the bank not inform me either by text message, phone call or email? I have not asked to be allowed to go over the limit. Then why did the bank continue to honour transactions beyond Dh6,000?
From Mr V. Krishnamoorthy

Ms Nicole Hayde, Head of Public Relations, The Royal Bank of Scotland, replies: The Over Limit Fee is charged for the service of using the card over the limit. This information is also mentioned in the terms and conditions guide. The bank would charge an Over Limit Fee in case the customer uses his credit card above the assigned credit limit. If the customer wants, he may avoid using his card if he is approaching the limit and use alternative ways of payment for his purchases in order to avoid the Over Limit Fee.

We offer convenient means of tracking the outstanding balance by way of a 24-hour phone banking centre. If the customer suspects that he is approaching the credit limit, he can call our centre and get this information through either the automated IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system or a phone banking executive.

However, without any prejudice, as a service gesture, we have reversed the Over Limit Fees of Dh318 on the customer's credit card and have advised the customer that these reversals would reflect in the next statement. We have also advised him that the bank would not reverse any such charges in the future.

Mr Krishnamoorthy replies: I really appreciate the help Gulf News has been rendering!

A long queue
This is with reference to the complaint by a reader against HSBC ("Overcharges", Gulf News, March 16). I would like to tell the reader that the bank allows only two free transactions over the counter. If one goes to them for the third time in a month, they charge Dh25. I had a surprise on February 28 when I visited HSBC branch in Abu Dhabi. My token said that 420 people are waiting to be served and told me to wait for 280 minutes. Can you believe it? If you don't believe it, I still have the token with me.
From Mr R.N.
Abu Dhabi
Full name withheld by request

Mr Ahmad Othman, Manager Corporate Communications, HSBC, replies: On the day Mr R.N. visited the branch, HSBC Abu Dhabi had experienced a technical fault with the token machine used for customers' queuing. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused to Mr R.N.

I am pleased to inform you that HSBC customers can process most of their transactions using HSBC's online banking facilities, including making payments and transferring funds to accounts within HSBC and to other banks in the UAE and outside the UAE.

Due to confidentiality, we are not in a position to share any further details on Mr R.N.'s account, however please be assured that at HSBC we pride ourselves on providing our customers the best service and attention they deserve through well trained front line staff who are constantly monitored to ensure that our clients do receive such courtesy and respect.