Balance your life
The problem in the present society and the style of living is people are getting diverted more towards their electronics (‘Wake-up call for fathers too busy to care’, Gulf News, January 22). We can see people working all day in the office and while on their way home, they are working on their laptops. Once at home, they are busy on their smartphones or television sets. If a father cuts down on using these gadgets at least for a short while then he could definitely make time for his loved ones and
sit with his better half in the evenings after finishing work. But this is not possible for some people. However, I believe in this idea and follow it successfully. We need money to live, so live your life, rather than wasting precious moments that you know you can never get back. Spend time with your child — every child needs their parents. Give them your best and believe me, things will be alright with time.
From Mr Tanveer Ali Haidery

Safety first
It is a pity that a good community like the Gardens has no security (‘Dubai home robbed during family holiday’, Gulf News, January 22). I have been a resident of the Gardens for the past ten years and I am actually happy to see a number of pet dogs in the area as this might deter some thieves to some extent. I sincerely hope that after this report, we have security personnel in our community. We cannot afford to have our lives and that of our dear ones at stake because of some petty thief. Please act now, and thank you Gulf News for this report.
From Mr Neeraj N.
Website comment

The real Islam
The letter written by Abdul Azeem is so appropriate and I agree with it completely (‘Islam promotes peace’, Gulf News, January 23). I believe that the media portrays the wrong image about Islam. However, I also believe that people choose to believe what they want to and make assumptions. Recently, I was narrating an incident that happened in Mumbai, India, where some young men who stood up against harassment of women were beaten up by ruffians. Although I hadn’t mentioned any religion and only mentioned the names of the boys who were killed, my friends conveniently assumed that the ruffians were Muslims — such is the attitude of most people. I had to educate them and eradicate the attitude that Islam doesn’t teach Muslims to kill people from other faiths — it is in fact the opposite. I think it is up to us common people to educate others about the true meaning of Islam. To know any religion you have to learn it from its scriptures and its scholars and not by biased sources and a few ignorant people who portray a wrong image.
From Ms Mahnaaz Shaikh

We want more
I don’t know what the budget situation is with regard to public transportation, but I wish the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) would increase the number of buses and the frequency of Metro trains during peak hours (‘Number of public transport users grows by 14.5 million — RTA’, Gulf News, January 22). Apart from that, the Metro totally rocks!
From Ms Lisa
Website comment

More important things
As a reader commented in response to the report, we Iranian people have a lot more to worry about — the economy, jobless youth, political prisons and wide conflict with the world (‘Tehran mocks US with $4 drone toys’, Gulf News, January 22). So much so that I think there is no room for such jokes and toys! If our government is strong enough, I beg them to give priority to protecting the value of the Iranian currency, which dropped to half in almost six months.
From Mr Fareed
Website comment

Discount for everyone
I recently renewed my tenancy contract and later found out that there was a discount for those tenants who had not paid their contract registration fee for several years. While I think the authorities’ decision to offer discounts is a very good bargain and is definitely a great incentive to get our contracts renewed on time, I find it unfair that these discounts are not available to residents who renew their contracts on time. I strongly feel that these discounts are a wonderful idea but they should be available to all residents, whether they are paying car fines or renewing tenancy contracts and whether they are paying it on time or not.
From Ms Abdul
Full name withheld by request

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