Educate the people
I share Linda Heard's opinions and read her recent article with great interest ("Dynasties in the name of democracy", Gulf News, January 1). When Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi was shot dead and the media covered her assassination for weeks, her son won a majority of the votes. Writers around the globe must stand up against terrorism and the misuse of the political arena. They should expose all those who are directly or indirectly involved in providing safety for militants and terrorists. Public opinion should be voiced and debates must be encouraged to gain a true understanding of these unrests and the culprits behind them.
From Mr Waseem Al Deen

Top resolution
Every New Year, people make resolutions to achieve personal goals and think of the benefit to themselves, but why not focus on our surroundings as well ("Residents keep hopes high to abide by resolutions", Gulf News, December 31)? We need a sustaining environment to live well and nurture our dreams. But because of our thoughtless activities, the earth is getting spoilt. If these trends continue, our future generations will not even get a chance to have a New Year, let alone make resolutions. We should add "I will not cause damage to the earth" to our list of resolutions for 2008.
From Mr Shafeeque Babu K.

Clean cyberspace
The UAE has created an atmosphere that excludes much that is undesirable. However, even with all the firewalls, I find that internet service in the new Dubai area offers full access to everything online. I know my friends and family in other emirates and in other parts of Dubai have effective protection. I request the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) to look into this matter.
From Ms Rima Murad

Beware of job scam
I had a similar experience from an online job offer ("Dream job offers prove to be hoax", Gulf News, December 30). I received a mail stating that I had been selected for a job in the UK by a leading oil and gas company. The position paid very well and I was very excited, until they asked me to pay £2000 for the travel insurance. When I checked about it with a friend in the UK, he warned me against such fraudulent companies. Checking the telephone directory for the company and their website confirmed my fears.
From Mr M. D. Sridhar
Abu Dhabi

Attitude matters
Credit must be given to the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) for making the change in attitude of drivers a matter of high priority ("Driver attitudes must change, says RTA chief", Gulf News, December 31). His strategy to upgrade the skills of motorists and acquaint them with traffic rules should be emulated in every emirate. Drivers forget that there is a "give way" principle in place, and not "take way". They need to pay more attention to road signs and be more careful about speed limits, especially when changing lanes.
From Mr Abdul Salam Mohammad Basha

Not worth it
I was very upset to read about the assassination of the US diplomat in Sudan, who was ironically a peacemaker and negotiator between the two countries ("US diplomat shot and driver killed in Khartoum attack", Gulf News, January 1). The world would have been a better place if weapons and ammunition had not been invented. Not a single day passes by without the report of a brutal killing or bombing. All religions teach about mercy and charity towards fellow human beings, not murder and mischief.
From Mr Thomas Cheenath

Ringing in 2008
Congratulations on an outstanding, reader-focused issue ("Hopes & fears", Gulf News, January 1). The cover story and features were brilliantly written and the illustrations were equally commendable. 2008 will be a challenging year. The New Year's Eve celebrations were very subdued due to the brutal assassination of Benazir Bhutto.

We live in an increasingly dangerous world. I hope this year will be a more prosperous one for all of us. Let's hope we realise that money is important, but without good human relations, there can be no benefits in the long run.
From Mr Rajendra K. Aneja
Gulf News Reader's Club member

On the brink
If Pakistan's political elite wants the best for their country and citizens, they must forget their differences and forge a united government ("Political crisis presents unprecedented challenges to economy", Gulf News, January 2). Ten-year plans must be established with the aims of lifting the economy and improving national infrastructure, education and healthcare. If the politicians are not sincere and instead intent on following their greed for high office and its trappings, Pakistan will continue to plunge towards abject failure and oblivion. The future appears dismal.
From Mr Naseem Ansari
Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Gaining new ground
Congratulations to Abdul Hafidh Al Zubaidi for developing the new myoelectric hand ("Emirati student develops low-cost prosthetic hand", Gulf News, December 31). But although the technology of myoelectrics is cutting edge, the dynamic functions that it enables are sadly limiting. There is a large pool of talent among young Emiratis. The first Emirati ocularist was a young lady. The government should fund such individuals so that they can develop these products.
From Mr Daril Atkins

Testing car tints
Is there a way for motorists to know exactly what the percentage of their car tint is ("Police to use tint measuring device", Gulf News, December 31)? Most times, car owners trust the auto shops that are responsible for tinting their vehicles. They believe them when they say the car will be tinted at 30 per cent, even though this may not be true.

Eventually the motorists are held at fault and have to pay the fines. It would be ideal if there were an auto centre that could verify the percentage of tint in our cars.
From Mr Adnan
Full name withheld by request