The attempts by the Israeli government to suppress the media by threatening to ban journalists from entering Israel for 10 years if they join the planned flotilla to Gaza are only to be expected. This is a government that doesn't even pretend to adhere to international norms and has always considered itself to be above the law.

What is appalling is the US government's move to ‘discourage' its own citizens from taking part in the flotilla, which will carry humanitarian aid and is due to set sail from Greece later this week.

America has not only warned its citizens that they face action from Israeli authorities but has also told them they may be violating US law. Since when is trying to help those in desperate need against the law? Instead of blackmailing its own people, the US would do well to try to persuade its client state to let the flotilla through.

Tel Aviv and Washington have done their utmost to needlessly politicise what is essentially a global humanitarian effort by activists — among them such figures as the Swedish author Henning Mankell — who want to do their bit to ease the suffering of the 1.6 million souls who continue to be trapped in the tiny strip of land. They have for years faced a blockade which amounts to a crime against humanity. The fact that they continue to face such brutality in this day and age is a blot on the conscience of the international community.

The brave activists know the dangers they face — Israel's barbaric raid on the Mavi Marmara last year, which led to the murder of nine Turkish activists, is still fresh on their minds. But they have decided to set sail nevertheless. Their action should remind everyone that Gaza remains the world's largest prison.