Pada Angushthasana Image Credit: Arshad Ali/Gulf News

"Pada" means foot and "angushtha" means toes. This toe-balancing posture requires unwavering concentration to maintain. This is an excellent pose to minimise mental distractions and induce a sense of stillness and stability of the mind. Besides increasing blood circulation in the legs, Pada Angushthasana encourages lymphatic drainage in the lower limbs.

Pada Angushthasana

  • Assume a squatting posture with hands at sides and focus the gaze on a point in front of you.
  • Raise heels and balance on the toes. Bring knees forward so the thighs are horizontal.
  • Bring right foot on top of left thigh, resting the sole upward.
  • The heel of the left foot presses against the perineum.
  • Maintain balance and place palms together in front of chest. Keep the back straight. 
  • Hold the position for as long as comfortable.
  • Repeat with the other foot.


  • It improves balance and focus.
  • It is good for those with flat feet. This asana strengthens the ankles and toes.
  • It regulates the reproductive system.


People with knee or ankle problems should modify the posture under guidance. Those with sciatica or slipped disc should not practise this posture.

- Bharat Thakur guides you through practices that will connect you to the wisdom of the ancient Indian science of exercising