Just as behaviour, mannerisms, speech and posture can be giveaways to your personality, your signature provides clues to your past, present and future.

The manner in which you sign, the height of the first and last letter, the words that are struck off with a line, the loops you make and the crosses and dots on letters, actually tell a lot about your fortune, your health, your luck and your career.

You might find that difficult to believe that, but Vraj Kishore Dhyani, an astrologer, numerologist and intuitive face reader, who has specialised in reading people's signatures, firmly believes that a person can actually alter the course of his destiny by working on his signature. During a visit to Dubai, Dhyani elaborated on the theory while speaking to tabloid!.


"Signature reading is a specialised branch of graphology and is also linked to acrophonology (which means the meaning of each letter in your name).

It comes under the sub-branch of Ang Shastra (organ study) of the main science of astrology. If your handwriting gives an insight into your nature, your signature is your identity. No two signatures are alike, even when the same person signs twice. It varies even because our mind and thoughts are very swift and our mood and state of thought have a direct impact on the way we sign," says Dhyani, who has studied the science for several decades.


The expert says you can even change the course of your karma by altering your signature.

"Just as we benefit by removing negativity from life and suffusing positive vibrations around our home and work place, so also, altering the way we sign can improve our life to a large extent," he said. "We knowingly and deliberately distort our signatures so that no-one may imitate them and defraud our bank accounts. But by distorting them, we introduce disasters and obstacles in our lives. I can go to the extent of saying that the beginning of our signature denotes the beginning of our life and the end denotes the end of our own life."

Dhyani studies a signature by looking at the angles of each letter. He then draws the axis of each letter in relation to the centre of the entire word — called astroscope. From there, he examines each letter in more detail in the astroscan and when the diagram is complete, it shows the magnetic field of the person. This astroview gives information about the person's complete life.

"Every letter, how tall or short it is, whether it is compressed or expanded, signifies different traits of a person," he says. "If letters have been crossed, dotted, looped or curved, they give me specific insight into a person's life. For instance, the manner in which we space our first and last names says a lot about the relationships we have in our lives. Everything helps me sum up a person's life."


The former textile printing expert diversified into this intuitive science after growing up with a school teacher father who could read faces.

"My father had such powers that he actually could look at the person and also know the question he had in his mind," he remembers. "I was young and I always made fun of all this. He told me one day I would be doing the same thing. I never believed in him. However, as I grew up and later when I met my guru B.V. Raman in Bangalore, I realised that this was my destiny indeed."

Since then, he has travelled the world analysing people's signatures and claims many who heeded his advice and altered their signatures were able to reap rich benefits.

Dhyani says it's easy to alter your signature, and says: "Unlike other branches of astrology where cures and remedies might come with a price tag, altering your signature is completely in your hands. It is inexpensive and quick to carry out."

What's next?

Vraj Kishore Dhyani is currently working on a book, Signature Significance, where he devotes the first hundred pages to analysing the signatures of celebrities like George Bush, Bill Gates, Michael Jackson and others (see opposite page).

Presidential penmanship

Here is Vraj Kishore Dhyani's analysis of US President George W. Bush: The first and last letter of Bush's signature makes a shape or impression that is very sharp and stiff. It gives away his adamant nature for which he has to suffer a lot. But eventually he manages to escape any castigation.

His signature has a flow that indicates many ups and downs in his public life. Sometimes he is riding the crest of popularity and sometimes he's at the bottom of the popularity ratings. He needs to improve the curvatures of the letters and that will help him. His signature also reveals that he's a go-getter with a killer instinct and will remain active till the very end of his life.

Gates' giveaways

Bill Gates's signature is very compressed and that indicates that he is an introvert. There is a significant gap between the first and second names, which shows that he is a fiercely independent man who relies only on himself for his decisions.

The angles of his letters indicate that he is the kind of man who can remain on the top in his corporate life for a very long time. The shape of his signature indicates that he needs to be careful about his cardiac health. Gates would benefit if he expanded his signature. He needs to make it broader and less conservative.

He needs to pay attention to the heights of each letter rather than the length. Like Bush, the sharp angles of the letters indicate that when it comes to work, he is a man of determination and killer instinct.