Through NLP life coaching, Shana Kad helps people change their lives, perceptions and relationships. Image Credit: Stefan Lindeque/ANM

Name: Shana Kad

Profession: Master NLP life coach at Life Effective Coaching (www.lifeeffectivecoaching.ae)

Mission: “To enable the challengers to achieve balance in their lives and become aware of their own personal goals.”

My life coaching philosophy is… “Walk your talk and live by example. There is no greater inspiration than to see what you aspire to in someone else.”

I got into NLP life coaching because… “I used to work at IBM here in Dubai where I managed a team of more than 30 women. I coached them and was able to make a real difference to their lives. A few years ago, when my sister was diagnosed with leukemia, my world shattered. I was there for her through her treatment, but tragically we lost her. This made me question my own life and the legacy I would leave for my children. I sought out training to qualify as an NLP Master Life Coach and knew instantly that this was my life's calling. I set up my own company, Life Effective Coaching, and now run one-on-one coaching as well as Group Inspiring Workshops, on topics such as careers, relationships, emotional problems, depression, body image, addiction and anger management.”

My favourite part of being an NLP life coach is… “Helping people to reach their true potential and eliminate their limiting beliefs – these limiting beliefs come in the form of the little voice in your head that stops you doing things by saying “You can’t do that”, or “You aren't good enough”. My clients leave their coaching sessions with a sense of purpose and deeper understanding of what they want out of life, and how to go get it. My techniques enable my clients to take charge of their lives and dance to their own music.”

If I wasn’t a life coach… “I would probably still be searching for the answers in all the wrong places.”