The series continues... Maria E. Kallukaren shows a more fun side to the educators in the UAE.

Teacher: Kevin Nawn

Designation: Coordinator of undergraduate English language programmes and assistant professor of humanities

Institute: The American University in Dubai

I love: Biking, hiking and travelling

A couple of summers ago, Kevin Nawn biked 2,000 kilometres through Eastern Europe. ?That was my holiday,? he says. His students thought it was crazy.

?They would never think of doing something like this for a holiday,? says Nawn.

Hiking in Spain was yet another holiday venture.

How it all began: A lover of sports, Nawn has always loved biking and exercising. ?I grew up as an athlete,? he says. ?But beyond a certain age you can?t do sports.? Biking and hiking, on the other hand, can be lifelong hobbies.

?It?s also a great way to see countries.?

Nawn?s bike always goes with him on vacation. ?That way I know exactly what I have. I know how to fix it, the different quirks about it. It goes on the plane as a piece of cargo. ?And when I take my bike, I can?t take too much luggage, just what fits on the back of a bike.?

Why I love it? ?It provides exercise, it?s terrific, it?s healthy. And I enjoy it much more than driving a car or getting onto a train,? says Nawn. ?I have also found that people are much more friendly to cyclists.?

Does he bike to work?

Nawn doesn?t miss too many opportunities to bike during the school year. ?That?s why I do it on my holidays, when I put everything else out of my mind,? he says.

But he does bike to work at times. From The Gardens, where he lives to AUD, it?s about 10 kilometres. And he uses the shower facilities on campus to transform himself into the professor his students see.

Tips to becoming a safer cyclist

- Never ride out into a street without stopping and checking both directions for oncoming cars

- Obey stop signs

- Check behind you before swerving, turning or changing lanes.

- Never follow another rider blindly

- Always ride with a helmet

When riding at night

- Use a headlight

- Be sure your bike has front and rear reflectors, pedal reflectors, and side rim or wheel reflectors

- Wear reflective clothing

- Keep that helmet on

- Avoid riding on dark, narrow roadways

- Information courtesy