
The idea for Casa Milano came to life in 2018 when I envisioned bringing exclusive luxury to the UAE. My goal was to provide one-of-a-kind products and exceptional service that were not available anywhere else in the country. Encouraged by my father, Mr Anis Sajan, I started my own business. Today, I am proud to be the Director of Casa Milano, playing a key role in driving the company to success.

Initially focusing on the UAE market, the brand quickly became synonymous with luxury and exclusivity in bathroom and kitchen fixtures. By offering products that combine modern design with high functionality, Casa Milano has distinguished itself from competitors.

Azhar Sajan, Director, Casa Milano, UAE Image Credit:

The brand’s growth trajectory has been impressive. It has expanded its presence beyond the UAE, tapping into various international markets. This expansion is a testament to the quality and uniqueness of Casa Milano’s offerings, which have garnered a loyal customer base worldwide. The company’s commitment to staying ahead of trends and continuously innovating has been pivotal in its success.

Casa Milano’s journey as an international luxury brand underscores the importance of vision, quality, and customer-centricity in achieving long-term success. The brand continues to flourish, bringing exclusive designs to discerning customers around the globe.

Please tell us about your product range and bestselling products.

Casa Milano redefines the shopping experience with a diverse range of personalised offerings. Our showroom features top-tier sanitaryware brands like Devon & Devon, Maison Valentina, Ideal Standard, Vado, and House of Rohl, each bringing unique elegance and craftsmanship to your space.

Our flooring solutions include high-quality options from Ter Hürne, FBHout, and Italgraniti, offering a variety of textures, colours, and patterns. For kitchens, our partnership with Arredo3 blends classic, and contemporary styles, while our Mercantini wardrobes offer stylish and functional storage solutions.

In the past four years, Casa Milano has expanded its product range, adding vibrant colours to showers, faucets, and WCs. At Dubai Design Week, we showcased innovative flushing and cistern technology, highlighting our commitment to excellence. Looking ahead, we plan to further expand into home improvement divisions.

With sustainability becoming a global concern, how is Casa Milano addressing the issue?

Casa Milano is committed to integrating sustainable practices into our operations and product offerings. We aim to source materials responsibly, minimise waste, and promote eco-friendly products.

Our partnerships with brands that prioritise sustainability further reinforces our dedication to creating a positive environmental impact while delivering high-quality, luxurious products to our clients.

Finally, your top five points of advice to new home owners wanting to find the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality.

Embrace minimalism. In the UAE, where luxury and sophistication are key, a minimalist approach ensures spaces are elegant yet practical. Designs that don’t overwhelm allow functionality to shine, making everyday tasks easier while maintaining a sleek and modern look. This is particularly relevant in high-end residential areas where understated elegance is preferred.

Thoughtful material selection: Choose materials that can withstand the UAE’s climate. For instance, consider flooring that can handle the intense heat and dust, such as porcelain tiles or engineered wood, which are both easy to maintain and durable. Similarly, wall finishes that resist humidity and maintain their appearance despite the arid climate, ensure that homes remain beautiful and functional over time.

Smart storage solutions: Integrating innovative storage options that blend seamlessly with various design preferences is the way forward. Customised kitchen wardrobes that accommodate both Western and Middle Eastern cooking styles, built-in shelves that maximise space, and multipurpose furniture ensure effective use of space without compromising style.

Energy efficiency: Given the UAE’s commitment to sustainability initiatives, using energy-efficient lighting, water-saving sanitaryware, and eco-friendly flooring materials aligns with local green building standards. These measures not only reduce utility bills but also contribute to a sustainable environment.

Personalisation and comfort: Ensure that your home reflects your and your family’s personality and preferences. Incorporate elements that add comfort and a personal touch, such as ergonomic furniture that suits long working hours, cosy textiles for comfort during cooler desert nights, and colour palettes that blend local aesthetics with international tastes. This balance between personal style and functional design is crucial for creating a welcoming and practical living space in a multicultural setting.