Prep 15 m
Cook 50m


    5 medium eggs

    1 l milk

    500 gms plain flour

    50 ml melted unsalted butter

    A pinch of salt

    50 gms sugar

    Orange sauce

    1 l orange juice

    50 gms orange segments

    20 gms orange zest

    500 gms sugar

    100 gms butter

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


1. In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, flour, milk, salt and sugar until smooth. The batter should be a thick consistency. Whisk in the water, oil and melted butter.

2. Heat a pan and add a knob of butter. Add around 80 ml of the batter and move the pan to spread the batter evenly, cook over a medium flame, until the edges of the crêpe curl up and start to brown, around 45 seconds.

3. Flip the crêpe and cook for 15 seconds longer, until a few brown spots appear on the bottom. Tap the crêpe out onto a baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining batter to make 15 crêpes, buttering the pan a few times as required.

Making the orange sauce

1. In a sauce pan, reduce orange juice, sugar, orange segments and the orange zest for 25 minutes. When it is reduced, gradually add the butter until well incorporated.

2. Using a spoon, pour a generous amount of sauce over the crêpes. Garnish with orange zest. Serve right away.

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