Prep 15 m
Cook 10m


    160 gms beef tenderloin medallion

    1 tbsp olive oil

    1 tsp flakey salt

    1 tsp black pepper

    Parmigiano Reggiano cheese to garnish


    For the Tonnato sauce

    2 ½ tbsp mayonnaise

    2 ½ tbsp Kewpie mayonnaise

    1 medium egg yolk

    75 gms tuna meat in brine

    4 to 5 canned anchovies

    Capers to garnish

    Caper berries to garnish

    1 tsp lemon juice

    1 tsp grated parmesan cheese

    1 tbsp cooking cream

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


Making the Tonnato sauce

1. Put all the ingredients together in a food processor/blender, keep blending until you obtain a smooth silky mixture.

Cooking the beef

1. Marinate the beef tenderloin with olive oil, salt and pepper. Grill it onfrom each side for approximately 2 minutes. For this dish, it is preferred to serve it medium, keeping the center of the meat pink, tender and juicy.

2. Shave the Parmigiano Reggiano very thinly, using a peeler or a knife, keep it aside for garnishing.

3. To serve, let the meat rest for about 2 minutes, slice the beef tenderloin lay it flat on a plate, sprinkle it with the flakey salt, add the sauce or serve it on the side, garnish it with Parmigiano Reggiano and caper berries.

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