Prep 10 m
Cook 2h : 20m


    300gms lobster tail

    100gms mussels

    50gms sun dried cherry tomatoes

    100gms John Dory fish

    180gms spaghetti


    For lobster bisque

    1 large carrots

    2 to 3 celery sticks

    2 to 3 leek bulbs

    8 tbsp tomato paste

    Handful of fresh thyme

    1 whole garlic pod

    3 tbsp white vinegar

    3 litres of cold water

    150ml olive oil


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Making the lobster bisque sauce

1. Dice all the vegetables and sauté in olive oil and cook for 5 minutes, until the vegetables are soft when you poke them with a knife.

2. Add the tomato paste, garlic and vinegar and thyme leaves tied with a string to infuse the bisque with flavour. Stir for 2 minutes.

3. Add the cold water and simmer for 2 hours.

4. Strain the liquid using a fine muslin cloth and use the stock. Cool the stock in a blast chiller or refrigerator.

Plating the pasta

1. Sear the lobster, mussels, and John Dory fish until there is a brown colour on the surface of the fish.

2. In a separate pot, boil water and cook the spaghetti for 8 minutes.

3. To plate, add the cooked spaghetti, pour the lobster bisque around the spaghetti and place the cooked fish and shellfish on top.

4. Drizzle with mint oil and garden cress, and sprinkle with sea salt.