Prep 30 m
Cook 20m


    1 tbsp of schmaltz or chicken fat (olive oil or margarine also works)

    1 tsp cinnamon

    1 tsp salt

    2 eggs

    1 cup fine matzo meal

    1 cup water (or soda water)

    1 tsp baking powder

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


1. Mix fat/oil, cinnamon and salt together. Add eggs one by one. Beat till light and fluffy.

2. Then fold in the matzah meal and baking powder and add water. Mix well and refrigerate for 15 to 30 minutes until all the water is absorbed and you can form balls.

3. Wet hands and roll into balls.

4. To make the special filling: Chop half an onion and fry in oil. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and mix together. When forming the matzah balls, add the filling into the center of the ball and then close.

5. Boil them in salted water for 10 minutes.

6. Then boil another 10 minutes in your favorite chicken or vegetable soup broth.

Matzah ball soup
Cook the matzah balls in a broth of your choice Image Credit: GN/Stefan Lindeque

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Last updated on November 28, 2021 at 18:08