Prep 15 m
Cook 2h
8 to 10


    3 kg Sindhri mangoes (peeled and cut into cubes)

    350 to 500 gms of sugar (based on preference and sweetness of the mangoes)

    Juice of one lemon

    2 big Nashi pears, peeled and cubed

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


1. Peel the mangoes, cut them in one-inch cubes, set asid. Discard the seed or stone. Do the same for the pears.

2. Juice the lemon and set aside.

3. Measure out the sugar and set aside.

4. In a deep, thick-bottomed pan, over a low flame, combine all the ingredients. Let it cook on a simmer, stirring frequently. I leave some bits of fruit in, to give it more of a preserve/compote texture.

5. It is done when you place a spoonful on a plate, and run a wooden skewer through it but the jam-like conserve stays put, does not flow into the centre.

6. Spread over warm toast and enjoy!

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