Saudi Arabia: Smith working as fake dentist arrested in Riyadh
Dubai: An expatriate smith has been arrested for working as a dentist at a private dental clinic in capital Riyadh, local media reported.
The arrest follows regular inspections carried out by the Riyadh Health Department to ensure the compliance of health facilities with the Health Ministry’s rules and the system of practicing health professions in the Kingdom.
The department stressed that inspections will continue, and it will not be lenient with those who violate rules, vowing severe penalties against any health facility that violates rules.
Other violations include practicing without a licence, providing false information and misleading advertisements, owning medical equipment without licence or reason, or involving in trafficking human organs.
The department conducts regular inspections to curb irregular practices, which endanger patient safety when unlicenced practitioners perform surgeries or other medical procedures without adherence to the rules in place.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health urged the public to cooperate with health bodies and report any violations by calling the toll-free telephone number 937.