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UAE Health

8 life hacks for staying fit with MS

Check out a few of our favourite #MSLifeHacks you can use to create a fitness routine

Image Credit: Shutterstock


Working out is great, but sometimes the logistics get in the way of a good sweat session. Check out a few of our favorite #MSLifeHacks you can use to create a fitness routine

To quote one of our favorite lines from the movie Legally Blonde, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.”

It’s said that getting your blood pumping is a great way to boost your overall health and mood, but regular exercise is also a great way to manage symptoms of MS including fatigue, cognitive function and depression. We’ve discussed, tips for staying active at work, and why it’s so important to stay fit, but what about the smart little ways you can make your workout work harder for you?

Check out a few of our favorite hidden tricks you can use to create an efficient fitness routine.

1. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Here’s a two-in-one water bottle hack to keep you cool at the gym and hydrated during the day. Draw lines on your water bottle at different times to ensure you drink enough water. Partially fill a plastic bottle with water and lay it on its side in freezer. Once frozen, fill with water and it will stay cold all day.

2. Want to quickly freshen up after working out? Stash a mini bottle of baby powder in your bag for touch ups. Use baby powder to absorb grease in your hair.


3. After a long walk, run or hike, give your feet a special treat. Roll your feet over a tennis ball for an instant massage.

4. Need some motivation? Fill your smartphone library with your favorite weekly podcasts. It’s a great way to keep your mind engaged while also engaging your muscles! Allow yourself to listen to your favorite podcast only during workouts.

5. Prevent new sneakers from irritating your feet by rubbing gel deodorant on blister zones. Use gel deodorant to prevent blisters in new shoes.

6. Prefer the outdoors over a gym? Try exercising in the AM when it’s cooler. Tackle the physical parts of your summer says in the morning.

7. Shake up your routine. Literally. (We won’t tell if you put one back and choose another). Put workouts in a bowl, select 5 and repeat.


8. Why not reward yourself for your efforts? Tip yourself for every time you exercise and save up for a well-deserved treat. Pay yourself a dollar every time you work out.
