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Dubai Municipality inspects 566 men’s salons for health and safety

2,965 men’s salons to be covered in all by the end of the inspection drive

Dubai Municipality regularly undertakes inspections of salons to assess compliance with safety rules and regulations.
Image Credit: Anas Thacharpadikkal/Gulf News

Dubai: Dubai Municipality has launched an intensive monitoring campaign since September 2023 focusing on health and safety standards in men’s salons and beauty centres across the emirate. The main objective of the campaign is to evaluate the salons’ commitment towards following the health and safety standards and highlight the significance of adhering to these requirements for cleaning and sanitising equipment as well as using quality products. The campaign comes in line with the municipality’s primary goals that focus on proactive public health protection and development and application of the best public and professional safety standards.

The campaign has delivered remarkable outcomes, with a total commitment rate of almost 90 per cent, as a direct result of the adoption of health and safety control regimes for numerous institutions and activities, including men’s salons. This commitment was reaffirmed by frequent follow-up visits and awareness workshops for salon staff held during inspections. The sessions focused on health and safety standards, such as sanitizing and disinfecting instruments and reducing the risk of disease transmission.

Over the past months, the campaign covered 566 salons in 47 different areas of the emirate. In line with the campaign, Dubai Municipality ensures stringent adherence to all international regulations and best practices. In addition, the Municipality emphasizes the significance of maintaining cleanliness of tools, following appropriate sterilization and disinfection procedures, and ensuring availability of sufficient supplies of single-use tools.

The municipality confirmed that the campaign will continue to cover all areas of Dubai to assess 2,965 men’s salons. In addition, it urged community members to cooperate with these efforts by reporting any malpractices and contribute to attaining Dubai Municipality’s vision of positioning the emirate as one of the safest global cities. Community members can file a report through the Department’s official communication channels, including the Municipality’s Call Center (800900), which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to respond to all enquiries and feedback from customers, as well as they can use Dubai Municipality smart apps to provide relevant information.

This campaign serves as a prime example of Dubai Municipality’s commitment to the highest health and safety standards, reflecting its continuous efforts to ensure compliance with regulations and promote best practices. These efforts contribute to elevating Dubai’s status as a leading global city in the field of health and safety.
