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Ask the Law

Ask the law: What is the minimum salary for domestic workers in UAE? Are they entitled to gratuity?

Provisions of UAE's Federal Decree by Law No. (9) of 2022 explained

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Question: I want to know the rights concerning domestic workers. Is there a minimum salary? How is annual leave allowance calculated? How long is the annual leave? Is there an end-of-service allowance? In the event of a dispute, who is the competent authority to go to? Please advise.

Answer: Federal Decree by Law No. (9) of 2022 Concerning Domestic Workers stipulates the following:

1. Salary is as stipulated in the contract signed by the employer and the worker within 10 days from the date of its entitlement. No minimum salary is mentioned by the law.

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2. Probation period not exceeding six months from the date of commencement.

3. One paid weekly rest day.


4. Daily rest should not be less than 12 hours, provided that at least eight hours of it are continuous.

5. 30 days paid annual leave. It shall be paid for before it is taken (full salary), and if the service period is less than a year and more than six months, then the Worker shall be entitled to a two-day leave for each month of service.

6. Cost of a round-trip ticket at the employer’s expense once every two years. One-way ticket at the end of service.

7. Sick leave of 30 days per year calculated as follows:

a. First 15 days shall be paid for.


b. Next 15 days shall be half-paid.

8. Keeping identification documents, such as passport, ID etc with the worker.

9. According to Article 26 of the above law, the labour state courts shall have jurisdiction to consider disputes and lawsuits and the Ministry of Labour shall check the complaint. If the claim amount is less than Dh50,000, the ministry shall decide about it and decision will be executed directly in the court. Lawsuits for any of the rights arising under the provisions of this decree-law shall not be heard after the lapse of three months from the date of termination of the work relationship. Lawsuits filed by workers in accordance with the provisions of this decree-law shall be exempted from all judicial fees at all stages of litigation, and their consideration shall be urgent.

10. Worker is not entitled to a gratuity.
