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GN Focus

Universities in the UAE bridge the gap between academia and industry

Industry collaboration and innovative teaching are enhancing student learning

Educators from some of the UAE’s top institutions share their thoughts:

“We prepare students to thrive in a technology-driven world”

Dr Mohamed El-Tarhuni, Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost, American University of Sharjah

Dr Mohamed El-Tarhuni

Which technology is having the biggest impact on transforming businesses and employment patterns and how have you aligned your programmes with the changes in the world of technology?

Several technologies significantly impact businesses and employment patterns, including AI, data-driven decision-making and automation. At AUS, we align our programmes with these technological advancements to ensure our students are well-prepared for the evolving job market. We offer specialised courses and programmes in artificial intelligence, data analytics and automation technologies, integrating the latest industry practices into our curriculum.


We also emphasise transferable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving and digital literacy, which are increasingly sought after by employers. Through hands-on projects, collaborative research and industry partnerships, we equip students with these essential skills, preparing them to thrive in a technology-driven world.

“We integrate experiential learning opportunities”

Shaima Bin Taliah, Acting Vice Chancellor for Student Experience, American University of Sharjah

Shaima Bin Taliah

What initiatives have you taken to enhance student employability and how have these changed from traditional university practices?

Preparing students for life after university is a key priority at AUS. We do so by implementing initiatives that go beyond traditional practices, such as enhancing our career services by developing strong partnerships with leading companies to facilitate internships and training programmes. These provide students with practical experience and industry connections.


Through our annual AUS Career Prep Week, students and alumni engage in workshops, panel discussions and networking events to gain valuable skills ranging from resume crafting to networking strategies, providing practical insights for transitioning from university to the workforce.

The annual career fair is an AUS signature event where students and alumni meet employers across disciplines for full-time and internship opportunities. Additionally, we integrate experiential learning opportunities, such as industry projects and real-world case studies, into our curriculum.

Our focus on industry collaboration ensures students acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills valued in the job market. AUS also boosts student employability through a wealth of on-campus job opportunities and diverse extracurricular activities that foster leadership, teamwork and practical skills. Students gain valuable work experience and build strong professional networks while engaging in over 100 clubs and organisations.

Our approach to employment preparedness and lifelong learning has ranked AUS second in the UAE in employer reputation and employment outcomes by QS World University Rankings (2025).

“We empower students with skills to excel in any environment”

Dr Claudio Zito, Assistant Professor at School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University Dubai

Dr Claudio Zito

There is a lot of talk on how AI and robotics would dictate trends at the future workplace. In this regard your university’s collaboration with MBZUAI on robotics and AI holds immense significance. Could you elaborate on the partnership?

Partnering with local academic institutions is crucial for fostering a vibrant educational community that drives innovation, research excellence, and the development of highly-skilled professionals. Positive engagements are currently underway with the Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI), highlighting the mutual commitment to advancing the frontiers of knowledge and technology. This high-level partnership aims to leverage the unique strengths and resources of both institutions to create a dynamic and collaborative environment for doctoral training and research.

Getting students future ready is a huge challenge given the dynamics of workplace. What initiatives have you taken to prepare students for the future?

The primary challenge lies in the rapid evolution of technology, which requires schools to equip students not only with a strong foundation in current technologies but also with the ability to continuously learn new skills. Fostering creativity, decision-making, and emotional intelligence is crucial for preparing students for the future workplace. As a university, we can address this by offering a research-led training experience for undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD students. This approach allows students to apply their theoretical and technical knowledge in practice while learning robust scientific methodology for tackling challenges. These tools empower students to excel in any environment, drive innovation, and lead the fast-paced evolution of technology, rather than merely keeping up with it.


“Our MBA programme is dedicated to shaping the next generation of leaders”

Professor Martin Spraggon, Dean of the School of Management, Canadian University Dubai

Professor Martin Spraggon

Please shed some light on the new MBA curriculum Canadian University Dubai launched in collaboration with Harvard Business Review.

At Canadian University Dubai (CUD), we are excited to announce the revitalisation of our MBA programme, meticulously redesigned to align with the evolving demands of the corporate world. Our goal is to empower CUD graduates with the tools and confidence needed to thrive in today’s highly competitive business landscape. We have elevated our programme with the introduction of four forward-thinking specialisations: Digital Marketing, Talent Management Leadership, General Management, and Finance. These concentrations are crafted to provide our students with a competitive edge. Our partnership with Harvard Business Review further enriches the curriculum by integrating real-world case studies, simulations, and decision-making tools that enhance the learning experience. Additionally, our collaboration with several world-class university partners — drawing on our strong Canadian heritage — adds a global perspective and depth to our pedagogy.

Through your collaborations and interaction with key industries, what are the top skillsets in demand at the workplace?


Our MBA programme is dedicated to shaping the next generation of leaders. We emphasise the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and collaboration, while also fostering emotionally intelligent leaders with strong character and ethical grounding. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability are the core pillars of our programme. We believe these values are crucial in addressing global challenges and creating a more equitable and inclusive world.

Our goal is to prepare leaders who are not only capable of driving business success but are also committed to ensuring that no one is left behind. The School of Management is guided by an esteemed advisory board comprising globally recognised leaders. These industry connections play a pivotal role in shaping our curricula and provide our students with unparalleled support as they embark on their leadership and entrepreneurial journeys. This experiential learning is designed to enhance graduates’ employability and prepare them for transformative roles in strategic consulting.

“A healthcare management degree prepares graduates to deal with global healthcare supply challenges”

Dr Moon Moon Haque, Dean, College of Healthcare Management and Economics, Gulf Medical University, Ajman, UAE

Dr Moon Moon Haque

What is the current market scenario for healthcare in the UAE?


The healthcare market in the UAE is experiencing rapid growth, with a CAGR exceeding 10 per cent. This expansion is fuelled by government investments, a growing population, and rising demand for advanced medical services.

To diversify from a fossil fuel-based economy, the government is promoting sectors like healthcare. Initiatives like Vision 2030 and the Dubai Health Strategy 2021 aim to position the UAE as a global leader in healthcare services. The UAE is emerging as a regional hub for medical tourism, with significant advancements in private healthcare, digital health, and AI-driven solutions. In 2022, Dubai attracted 674,000 medical tourists, generating Dh992 million, an increase of Dh262 million from 2021.

How do you ensure the continuity of healthcare services in the face of global healthcare supply chain challenges?

It requires professionals with a strong foundation in both healthcare management and economics. A degree in Healthcare Management prepares graduates to analyse and address these challenges by equipping them with skills in logistics, strategic planning, and economic analysis. These professionals can develop contingency plans, optimise resource allocation, and implement cost-effective strategies to mitigate supply chain disruptions. Their ability to understand the economic and managerial aspects of healthcare enables them to ensure that critical healthcare services remain uninterrupted, even in the face of global supply chain uncertainties.

“The role of a higher education institution in transforming education is critical”

Dr Bindu Nair, Assistant Dean, DeMont Institute of Management and Technology

Dr Bindu Nair

Your DeLEAD and DeCODE programmes launched last year were exciting developments, getting students to exchange ideas to flourish. Are there any similar pathbreaking initiatives that Demont launched this year?

Building on the success of our established DeLead and DeCode programmes, which have engaged over 500 students from more than 50 schools in the UAE, we’re committed to continuing these initiatives. DeLead focuses on developing leadership skills through connections with industry experts, while DeCode introduces students to the world of computing and technology.

In addition to these programmes, we have launched Skill Master sessions, an impactful initiative in our new continued professional development. Skill Master aims to address knowledge gaps across various industries, attracting professionals from diverse fields and fostering ongoing learning. So far, the institution has been able to impact over 600 professionals from varying fields, through this new initiative.

How critical is the role of a higher college of education in transforming the nature of imparting education, and how has Demont Institute chosen to define its contributions in this regard, in the UAE for the region?

The role of a higher education institution in transforming education is critical, especially in today’s rapidly evolving landscape. A higher education institution must not only deliver academic knowledge but also adapt to industry needs and prepare students for real-world challenges. This transformation involves integrating practical skills, industry insights, and innovative teaching methods to ensure graduates are well-equipped for their careers.

DeMont Institute of Management and Technology is dedicated to redefining education in the UAE by focusing on both academic excellence and practical relevance. Our approach includes offering specialised programmes from the foundation stage, aligning curricula with current industry trends, and integrating technological advancements in various industries.

Through its programmes and initiatives, DeMont is shaping the future of education in the region, ensuring that students and professionals are ready to excel in their industry of choice.

“We go beyond traditional academics”

Hanil Das, CEO and Co-Founder, Westford University College

Hanil Das

Collaborations between higher colleges of learning is the norm and your institution enjoys a similar partnership with Abertay University in the UK. How do these partnerships best serve the interests of your students, and do you have similar partnership plans soon?

Our collaboration with prestigious universities like Abertay University in the UK exemplifies how strategic partnerships enhance student opportunities. These alliances enable students to pursue dual qualifications, benefiting from high-quality education at an affordable cost while experiencing international learning environments. This approach not only enriches their academic journey but also prepares them to excel as global professionals.

Getting students future ready is a huge task for education institutions especially today given the requirements of highly dynamic work environments. How is your college facing up to the challenge?

Addressing the challenge of preparing students for today’s fast-evolving job market is a top priority for us. We go beyond traditional academics by encouraging students to lead and participate in various clubs and competitions, both within and outside Westford.

Our curriculum is continuously updated in collaboration with industry experts, and we offer unique opportunities for students to engage with business leaders.

Recent partnerships with Alibaba Cloud Computing, HCL, and other renowned organisations enhance our employability programmes. Additionally, our mentorship programmes provide students with 3-6 months of guidance from industry experts, helping them navigate their career paths effectively.
