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Jeremy Savory, the man interviewing the who’s who of the region

Success redefined in Dubai’s hottest podcast

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In the age of perfectly curated social feeds and ‘get-rich-quick’ promises, Dubai’s hottest new podcast is shattering the myth of overnight success and rewriting the narrative around what it truly means to be successful.

Since its launch, The CEO Hack, hosted by Jeremy Savory, has ammased over 2.5 million views within weeks. Available across all major podcast platforms, the show offers intellectually stimulating conversations with succesfull individuals that debunk the myth of overnight success while offering insight into achieving personal growth.

"I created The CEO Hack out of a deep desire to provide a platform where entrepreneurs and dreamers alike can learn about the good, the bad, and the REAL that comes with success from the journeys of industry leaders," says Jeremy Savory.

True to its name, The CEO Hack features an impressive lineup of guests spanning various industries; from British Nigerian superstar Wale Ojo, spilling insider secrets from Hollywood to finding out how Loai Al Fakir, CEO of Provident Real Estate sold Dubai’s most expensive penthouse.

The show has also featured disruptors of two of the oldest industries in the world – education and baking.


Portugal’s 2026 presidental election candidate, Tim Vieira, is the founder of Brave Generation Academy – an innovative school that offers learners a different experience, equipping them with soft skills for life.

Yaser Akkad is the CEO and co-founder of Reef Healthy Bread – a company on a mission to transform the lives of millions of people with a revolutionary approach to the healthy food industry.

Guests have used the podcast’s platform to hint at new, upcoming announcements – from Dubai‘s most ambitious project to integrating AI with baking. The stories are captivating not only for their incredible trajectory of failure to success but also for capturing the essence of the power of mindset when experiencing a string of setbacks.

Popular Youtuber and entrepreneur, Amira Riaa is one of the most influential voices not just in Algeria but across North Africa. She talks about the impact of fame and toxicity that came as part of her successful online life.

Dr Yogesh Pattni, CEO of Victoria Commercial bank in Kenya, and Chairman of ITP Media Group, Walid Akawi share the highs and lows that come with successfully running conglomerates for over decades while balancing family and a personal life.


There are plenty of over-the-top and just outright bizarre experiences, too: how former CEO of Sigma Holding Company and Vice President, Al Ittihad Alexandria Club, Ahmed Mustafa’s life changed overnight after a small investment in an American company, which soon after claimed the third spot among the world's largest corporations.

But what truly sets The CEO Hack apart is its unwavering commitment to authenticity. "This isn't your typical success podcast," explains Jeremy. "It's a platform for everyone - to gain actionable insights into what it truly takes to thrive in business and beyond."

"My journey has been one of constant evolution, growth and success," says Jeremy. "And through The CEO Hack, I'm just honored to pay it forward by empowering the next generation with the knowledge and tools we did not have."

Watch the latest episode of The CEO Hack every Monday on YouTube, Spotify, or by visiting

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