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7 reasons you should choose Norwegian salmon for your table

Globally, 44% of salmon consumers say they prefer their salmon to come from Norway

Image Credit: Shutterstock

1 Natural location

Producing the world’s favourite fish takes more than determination and skill; you also need perfect natural conditions. Thanks to Norway’s rugged coastline that stretches more than 100,000 kms, and its plentiful cold, long fjords and coastal waters, year-round production of salmon and trout of the highest quality is possible in these perfect conditions.

Thriving local communities all along the coast provide efficient infrastructure, ensuring swift and reliable logistics preserving the salmon’s pristine quality– every day, all year round.

2 World leading sustainable protein

Farmed salmon has a low carbon footprint compared to other proteins, and Norwegian salmon farmers have been named the world’s most sustainable protein producers three years running.

3 The value of the ‘Seafood from Norway’ label

Annual consumer seafood surveys have revealed that three in four consumers believe origin is of great importance when choosing seafood. And 44 per cent of salmon consumers from across the world say they prefer their salmon to come from Norway, far ahead of any other origin. Clearly communicating the origin of seafood makes sense also from a business perspective, as 3 in 5 consumers say they are willing to pay a premium for seafood with clear origin labelling, such as the Seafood from Norway origin mark.

4 Norwegian Salmon is the antibiotics-free, non-GMO superfood

The health benefits of salmon are well known, but fewer people know that Norwegian salmon is also antibiotics-free and non-GMO.


With careful supervision and intervention from dedicated fish health vets, Norwegian aquaculture has all but eliminated the use of antibiotics.

Also, Norwegian salmon are fed a diet of non-gene modified (GMO) feed and sustainably sourced ingredients to ensure salmon thrive.

This carefully controlled diet means Norwegian salmon has been approved for raw consumption without prior freezing.

And for those who are wondering about salmon’s health benefits: Salmon is one of the best available sources of Omega-3 fats as well as many other essential nutrients such as Vitamin A, B and D, potassium and selenium.

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5 Norwegian - The original sushi salmon

Did you know salmon sushi is a Norwegian invention?

The proud traditions of Japanese raw seafood eating becoming a global mega-trend was not really feasible until Norwegians introduced the Japanese to the delights of eating farmed Norwegian salmon raw. It was an eye opener to chefs and consumers alike, as the local Coho salmon found in Japan needs to be cooked before eating.

Salmon's health benefits
Salmon is one of the healthiest foods that contain a number of necessary nutrients necessary for our body.
Protein: Helps build and maintain cells in our body.
Omega-3 acids: They have been found to prevent/slow down the development of cardio vascular diseases.
Vitamin A: This helps improve eye sight and strengthens the immune system, is essential
for healthy development of a fetus.
Vitamin D: Necessary to maintain and correct the balance of calcium in our body.
Vitamin B12: Helps in growth of new cells.
Selenium: Important for the body’s immune system.
Iodine: Necessary to mainatain a healthy metabolism.

6 Pioneers then, and in the future

Norway was the first country to successfully farm and then commercialize Atlantic salmon back in the seventies, when salmon from 40 Norwegian rivers were collected and bred for ocean farms.

Since then, Norwegian salmon farmers continue to push boundaries to evolve and improve when it comes to technology and circularity.


7 A global superstar

Not all salmons are the same. The farmed Norwegian Atlantic salmon differs from its cousins chum, coho, sockeye, chinook, pink, sea trout and trout. However, Norwegian salmon is the world’s favourite fish.

Every day more than 14 million meals of Norwegian salmon are eaten around the world and Norwegian salmon is exported to more than 100 markets globally.Here are some 

Here are some delicious dishes you can try with Norwegian salmon


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Let the Norwegian salmon shine by simply grilling it and serve it on a bed of crispy kale.



500g Norwegian salmon fillet, skinned and deboned

1 pack kale

1 zucchini (courgette)

2 lemons


2 egg yolk

200g butter

olive oil

salt and pepper



Wash and rinse the kale, coat in a little olive oil and dry in the oven at 90 degrees for around 20 minutes until it is crisp.

Thinly slice the courgette and marinate in lemon juice, olive oil and salt.

Make a tangy, light hollandaise sauce by melting butter on low heat and skim off the foam. Separate the egg yolks from the white and place in a bowl that can withstand heat.

Heat a pot of water and place the bowl with the yolks over the hot water. Do not let the water boil. Then beat the egg yolks vigorously. Strain the cleared butter little by

little to the yolks and continuously whisk until the sauce thickens.

Watch the temperature at all times. If too hot, above 70 degrees, the sauce will separate as the yolks will coagulate.

Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Brush and season the salmon fillet with salt, pepper and olive oil on the ‘skin side’. Grill on High heat or fry in a grill

pan for roughly 2 minutes. Turn the fish over and grill for a further 2 minutes. Allow the salmon to rest for a little while and squeeze a few drops of lemon over it. Serve the grilled salmon on a bed of marinated courgette and crisp kale.

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With this elegant salmon ceviche you will surely impress your guests. The combination of lightly marinated Norwegian salmon paired with mango and pomegranate is delicious.


400g Norwegian salmon fillet,

skinned and deboned

1 mango

1 pomegranate

1dl lime juice

1tbsp olive oil

salt and pepper

150g lettuce

4tbspcoriander leaves, fresh

sesame seeds


Slice the salmon fillet in 1 cm thin slices and marinate in lime juice, salt, pepper and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Peel and finely slice the mango into thin strips. Peel the pomegranate so you are left with the seeds. Serve the marinated salmon on green lettuce, slices of mango and fresh pomegranate seeds.

Garnish with coriander and sesame seeds.

Tip: It is easier to peel the pomegranate in water! Divide it into four and take out the seeds holding it under water in a bowl.
