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Friday Art & People

Coping with the Covid-19 crisis: Nargish Khambatta

The principal and vice-president of education of Gems Modern Academy tells Anand Raj OK of how she’s become more appreciative of what really matters. And her favourite word that aptly describes life now? Coddiwomple

Nargish and husband Hoshedar. ‘We’re learning to find happiness and comfort in small things’
Image Credit: Supplied

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced working during this time?

Our home is our haven. It’s what we come back to after a long day at work, to relax and unwind. It’s where we spend quality time with our family and loved ones.

Working from home has posed an interesting challenge for many of us who aren’t used to it – not just in terms of defining a clear workspace devoid of distraction, but also with being able to create a mental and emotional distinction, and not letting the lines blur between working hours and being ‘off the clock’.

How difficult has it been to adjust to this new reality?

When I consider how blessed I am to live in a home I love surrounded by my family, how healthy I feel, and the access I have to everything I could possibly need – it hasn’t been difficult. It’s been a series of learnings, which have truly shifted my perspective and made me more cognisant and appreciative of what really matters.

How are you spending time? Favourite activities? Exercise routine?

During the week, I spend the day working and in between meetings, try and do some shoulder shrugs, spot jogs and eye exercises. I carve out time in the evenings to exercise – we try and do a family workout at least two to three times a week; my daughter and I love to skip. I cook, and spend quality time with my family. Oh, and I always start my day with seven minutes of yoga rounded off with a headstand!

What are you doing to manage the anxiety stemming from the pandemic?

By taking it a day at a time, focusing on the present, and doing my bit to be a responsible human being. My favourite word these days is coddiwomple – to walk in a purposeful manner towards an unknown destination!

What are some of the things you miss the most from your life when Covid-19 had still not affected us?

I love the outdoors, so I miss being able to go out for walks and visit the beach or the park freely. I also used to look forward to going to the theatre over the weekend to watch a movie with my family, but that’s been replaced with movie nights at home, which are just as much fun.

What is the first thing you’ll do once this scare of Covid-19 is over?

I will still be exercising a lot of caution and safety measures even as the curve flattens. However, in an ideal situation, I would love to explore the UAE more – go on more road trips, picnics, hikes, and perhaps even adventure activities like the zip line in Ras Al Khaimah, or sky diving!

What have you learnt about yourself during this trying time?

I think I speak for my family and many friends when I talk of a new-found resilience, and our ability to adapt and make the most of a challenging situation. We’re learning to find happiness and comfort in small things, and going forward that’s going to greatly improve how we go about living our lives – with a lot of appreciation and contentment. I’ve certainly learnt not to take even the little things for granted.

What will be your favourite memory from this experience?

The video of the animals roaming around freely and us humans being locked up in our homes – serves us right for trying to take over every nook and corner and not being able to compatibly co-exist with the flora and fauna that make up our ecosystem.

One lesson you think the world should remember from this experience?

To be mindful, be respectful of nature and of people, and do more to make the world a better place.

The books you are reading at this time.

Ikigai by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles, Thinking, Fast and Slow – Daniel Kahneman.

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