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UAE's World Environment Day celebrations explore sustainable art and inspire renowned artist’s transition to watercolours

The UAE has become a global hub for sustainable art

Renowned Indian artist Anuradha transitioned from oil to watercolours through IWS Arabia's initiatives towards sustainable art
Image Credit: Supplied

On World Environment Day, IWS Arabia, an organization dedicated to promoting artistic endeavours and cultural exchange, organized a series of events across the UAE to explore the influences of sustainable art.

The UAE, renowned for its commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable practices, has become a global hub for sustainable art.

Various venues across the UAE hosted the events organized by IWS Arabia, including Dubai International Art Centre (DIAC), Dubai Library Distributors, Fakeeh University Hospital, Silicon Central Mall, Emirates National School, Al Noor Training Centre for Persons with Disabilities, Queen Elizabeth 2, Reem Art Gallery and more.

The events had a strong focus on demystifying the concept of sustainability and empowering individuals to make a meaningful impact on the environment. Participants, both kids and adults, enthusiastically took part in workshops and painting competitions, where they had the opportunity to explore and embrace watercolour painting, a sustainable and eco-friendly medium.

The events also emphasized the importance of using sustainable painting materials, such as watercolors, easels, brushes, and other art supplies made with recycled or organic ingredients. The participants warmly welcomed these sustainable alternatives, recognizing their role in minimizing environmental impact. The workshops, demonstrations, and painting competitions provided a platform for everyone to unleash their creativity while fostering a deeper understanding of sustainability. Participants were encouraged to take home their creations, ensuring that sustainable art became an integral part of their lives.


One of the most engaging and highly anticipated sessions during the events was the "Best out of Waste" session. Participants eagerly took part in this session, showing great curiosity and enthusiasm. They asked numerous questions, intrigued to learn how waste products could be creatively recycled into stunning end products.

Participants were amazed to discover the potential hidden in everyday waste materials and how they could contribute to reducing waste and promoting sustainability through their creative endeavours. Witnessing the possibilities of turning waste into something aesthetically pleasing and functional left them inspired and motivated to explore their own creativity in sustainable art practices.

"The series of events during the week of World Environment Day served as a powerful reminder that with a little imagination and innovation, we can contribute to a more sustainable future by reducing waste and creating something beautiful. Watercolours as a sustainable art medium have the potential to not only inspire but also drive positive change in our communities," commented Mrinmay Sebastian, President of IWS Arabia.

Inspired to embark on a new artistic journey and transitioning from oil paints to watercolours, a renowned Indian artist Anuradha commented: “The UAE's dedication to sustainable art has deeply inspired me, and I am thrilled to explore the endless possibilities that watercolours hold. Through my art, I aspire to shed light on environmental issues, provoke meaningful conversations, and encourage viewers to take action towards a sustainable future”. She also expressed her excitement about exploring the possibilities of watercolours and using her art to raise awareness of environmental issues and inspire positive action.
