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Business Analysis

World’s logistics industry needs to get better at environmental sustainability

The way it operates leaves an unsustainable environmental footprint – that needs changing

Logistics players the world over need to get a move on in limiting their environmental impact. The means to do so are already there. Adopt them pronto.
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As the host nation of COP28 this year, the UAE has an exceptional opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to environmental protection and sustainable business growth. Over 80,000 delegates, 140 government and state heads, and more than 5,000 media professionals, will gather to discuss the pressing issue of climate change and work towards a more sustainable future.

The conference presents an ideal opportunity for the UAE to emphasise its position as a hub for sustainable economic growth and further highlight the significance of eco-friendly practices in every sector.

The logistics industry, while playing a critical role in the global economy, also contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, primarily through the use of fossil fuels in transportation and warehousing activities. Prioritizing the implementation of sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices - such as ensuring the buildings and warehouses we operate from are sustainably run with improved energy efficiency, the vehicles we operate are using alternative fuels and optimized transportation routes, and using sustainable packaging solutions - can help mitigate the environmental impact.

Ensuring business partners also operate in a sustainable manner helps to create an environmentally conscious business community.

Logistics has to come up with new ways

As concerns for sustainability reshape the logistics sector, companies are compelled to consider the environmental implications of their operations. This necessitates investing in implementing a comprehensive digital transformation strategy to mitigate the environmental footprint through cleaner transportation, lower costs, and streamlined operations.


Failure to adopt greener practices and adapt to new ways of working exposes companies to long-term risks in business growth.

Emerging digital technologies offer various avenues for improvement. As industry leaders, we must carefully select technologies that align with our business needs and develop robust digitization strategies. Integrating electric vehicles will enable the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and dependency on fossil fuels.

Additionally, embracing renewable energy sources through harnessing the power of solar, wind, or other sustainable energy alternatives to power operations, further minimizes one’s carbon footprint.

At Emirates Post Group, we recognize that our actions today have a lasting impact on the environment, society, and well-being of future generations. We have integrated sustainability as a priority into our business strategy.

We are benchmarking our plans against other global players and partners and looking at implementing best practices into daily operations. We also recently became official signatories of The Climate Pledge, a cross-sector community of companies working together to address climate change, aiming to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040.


This is also in line with the UAE’s Net Zero by 2050 strategic initiative. Moreover, we believe that by leveraging collaborative platforms such as this year’s COP28 conference, we can lead the way towards a more sustainable future for the logistics industry in the UAE and beyond.

Do not be deterred by trade-offs

While challenges and trade-offs are inevitable in the pursuit of a more sustainable future, this should not deter us from striving to work towards it. By promoting collaboration among leaders from around the world at forums like COP28 or making the best use of global resources and shifting towards more digitised solutions, the foundation for change is laid and a sustainable future becomes a closer reality.

Let us collectively work towards not only a more sustainable future, but a more resilient and prosperous one for generations to come.

Abdulla Mohammed Alashram
The writer is Group CEO of Emirates Post Group.