Prep 10 m
Cook 25m


    500ml (2 cups) cake flour

    2 tsp baking powder

    1 tsp salt

    1tbsp sugar

    2 eggs

    250ml (1cup) milk

    125ml ( ½  cup) melted butter

    4 tsp tomato  paste

    65gm (¼ cup) diced fresh tomatoes, or well-drained canned  tomatoes

    1 tsp mustard powder

    85ml (1/3 cup) chopped fresh basil

    1 tbsp  chopped chives

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


1. Sift dry ingredients into a bowl. Beat the eggs, milk and butter, add the tomato paste and beat again. Stir in the diced tomato, and add to dry ingredients.

2. Fold in the mustard powder, fresh basil and chives. Spoon into greased muffin pans and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180⁰C, or until the muffins are firm and start to recede from sides of pans.

Serve warm or toasted with some butter.

Recipe and image: Gulf News Archives

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