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World Europe

What would a Labour government mean for Britain?

Socialist Corbyn has been a long-time sceptic of the EU and its free-trade policies but has so far kept his cards close to his chest regarding Brexit

Liverpool: With Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn trying to convince the nation that he is a prime minister-in-waiting at the party’s annual conference on Wednesday, here are the policies that Britain could expect if the veteran leftist wins power.


Socialist Corbyn has been a long-time sceptic of the European Union and its free-trade policies but has so far kept his cards close to his chest regarding Brexit.

The party on Tuesday endorsed the possibility of a second vote, but its members and leadership appear to be at loggerheads over whether that should include the option to remain in the EU.

Labour agrees that a transition period is needed after leaving the bloc, during which it would seek to remain in a customs union with the EU and within the single market.

The party is pushing for “full access to the internal market of the European Union” after Brexit, effectively calling for a European Economic Area-style relationship with the single market - meaning Britain would have to accept the EU’s four freedoms, including immigration.

This could mean a similar relationship as Norway’s to the EU.


Shadow finance minister John McDonnell on Monday outlined the party’s huge renationalisation plans, taking in the water, energy and railway industries.

He also announced that he would force large companies to set up employee ownership schemes that would give workers up to £500 (Dh2,415 or $655) in dividends each year each.

Labour has promised to reintroduce a 50-percent tax rate on the highest earners and bring an end to “zero-hours contracts”, under which workers are not guaranteed a number of hours of employment each week.

Foreign policy

Pacifist Corbyn, a fierce critic of Labour prime minister Tony Blair’s Iraq War policy, promised to put “conflict resolution and human rights at the heart” of foreign policy, which would be “guided by the values of peace, universal rights and international law”.

The party leader is a long-time critic of Israel, which many believe has spilt over into a tolerance of anti-Semitism within Labour, and is a supporter of a two-state solution with the Palestinians.


To mark the 70th anniversary of Britain’s National Health Service, Corbyn promised in July that Labour would find an extra £22.4 billion for the free-at-point-of-use system by 2023.

The cash injection would top the total promised by Theresa May’s Conservatives by nearly £2 billion, which Corbyn said would be funded by a business tax and levy on high-income earners.


The party wants to reintroduce grants for university students and abolish university tuition fees.

It has also promised to extend 30 hours of free childcare to all two-year-olds and offer free school meals for primary school children.


Corbyn has been a long-time opponent of Britain’s Trident nuclear programme, but the party committed to its renewal in 2017’s manifesto, a potential source of conflict between the party leadership and his MPs.
