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Speak Your Mind: Are our phones ‘listening’ to us?

Gulf News readers discuss tech use and privacy

People using their mobile phones
Image Credit: Agency

  • Gulf News readers discuss tech use and privacy.
  • Do you think our smart phones are listening to our conversations? Write to us at

You speak about sushi to your friend, an hour later, an ad pops up on your social media news feed about the best Japanese restaurant in town. One would wonder whether the conversation was being ‘heard’ or is it a mere coincidence? Gulf News readers discuss tech use and privacy.

Two sides to it

This is a controversial aspect of technology

One of the most controversial areas in tech today is the issue of ‘is your phone eavesdropping on you’, the idea at first sounds bizarre and seems to have come right out of the handbook of a conspiracy theorist. However, if you notice closely you will realise that sometimes it seems by the ads that you are shown on the internet, they seem to be more and more tailored to exactly what you need. It is almost as if these entities know what you want before you want it. And that basically is where this idea of whether you are being spied on using your cell phone comes from.

It is almost as if these entities know what you want before you want it. And that basically is where this idea of whether you are being spied on using your cell phone comes from.

- Hashim Noor

So then is it true? The answer is yes and no. At least in my opinion, most companies these days leverage data science to predict consumer behaviour, and these AI and data science techniques have gotten extremely accurate. At times many apps do collect audio data as well, but it’s not without the user’s permission. Often we don’t bother to read those terms and conditions before agreeing to them.


From Mr Hashim Noor

Computer programmer based in Dubai

Positive results

Privacy must not be breached

I have contradicting opinions on this subject. On one hand, I believe it leads to some positive results and helps us in some ways. I think this was done in less sophisticated ways by companies before as well, now it is just done through devices we use on the daily and to do a lot. Companies have always collected data to use for their marketing tactics and this is one way to do it. Most of the times, these mobile apps ask for permission to do so when you download them but we are just too impatient to go through them.

On the other hand, I believe it is an invasion of privacy if not used in a proper way, for instance when permission is not asked. If conversations are monitored on the pop up of certain words by companies, then it is unethical. But if the whole conversation and the life of a person is being monitored then I find that extremely inappropriate and it should be illegal. In conclusion, it all comes down to the how we are being monitored. And what are they monitoring.


From Ms Rasha Tillo

Student based in Dubai

Personal space

The future could be worse

Our phones are listening to us. Sometimes I ignore, but in reality I am confused and have questioned my husband, who is tech savvy, many a times, on this issue, which seems to be bothering us. I strongly feel social media privacy needs a thorough check.

When our information is not safe, scams happen, how can we be assured that our voice messages, data through phones is not leaked? Yes, I believe our phones are listening to us.


When our information is not safe, scams happen, how can we be assured that our voice messages, data through phones is not leaked? Yes, I believe our phones are listening to us.

- Anjum Hasan

Though personally I haven’t come across or experienced any such disaster, as I will call it, we have all seen what happened with the recent Facebook privacy scandal.

With very command accepted by Alexa, Siri and Bixby, we do not realise we have opened our personal space for these apps to listen in. We will soon be afraid and talk in sign language, controlling our words and data with the fear of our own mobiles, apps and tech appliances. I just want to be part of a world where I am offered 100 per cent security as well as privacy.

From Ms Anjum Hasan

Biology teacher based in Sharjah


Poll results

Do you think ad agencies are ‘listening’ to us through our phones?

Yes: 76%
No: 24%

Have your say: Do you read the privacy conditions when downloading an app?
