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Your weekly horoscope: July 1 - July 7, 2019

Astrologer Shelly von Strunckel reveals what’s in the stars for you this week

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Aries March 20 – April 19

Over the past month or so you’ve focused on a series of dull but essential details. True, you’ve accomplished a lot. Still, you’ll be relieved to learn this cycle’s over. Better yet, now that your ruler Mars is in Leo, and accenting life’s joys and pleasures, you’ll be having a lot more fun.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

The odds are good you’re still struggling to understand the nature, and especially, the value of recent ideas or offers. Initially, they seemed appealing. But with so much in transition, you question how they’d fit into changing plans. While, ordinarily, you’d put off decisions, try these out and let experience be your guide.

Gemini May 21 – June 20


Reviewing recent decisions involving situations that are, at their best, dull isn’t your idea of fun. Ignore them now, however, and what would be simple problems will only get worse. Not only is it worth tackling these, what you learn and who you meet in the process will enrich if not change your life.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

Although the Sun moved into your sign over a week ago, on 21 June, you’ve reached one of the most significant turning points for this year. This is the pivotal Cancer eclipsed New Moon. While there’s a New Moon every year, the eclipse speeds up existing changes and kick-starts new ones.

Leo July 23 – August 22

Looking back on the past month or so, you’ve untangled tricky issues and reorganised elements of your domestic and worldly life, all of which have long needed attention. But it hasn’t exactly been easy. Consequently, you’ll be thrilled to learn Mars’s move into Leo will add zest to your life, and lots of it.


Virgo August 23 – September 22

The most challenging elements of the coming month won’t be the issues you’re facing. Actually many will be fascinating. It’s dealing with the unreliable situations triggered by July’s two eclipses and Mercury retrograde from the 7th. Each twist and turn will be as informative as it is, on occasion, frustrating.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Since early June, your ruler Venus has been in one of the most inquisitive portions of your chart. While life will have been full and interesting, you’ll have been aware certain practical matters need attention. In a few days, your ruler Venus shifts to accent exactly those matters, enabling you finally to make those changes.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21


The odds are good you’re still trying to come to terms with the past weeks’ series of tricky situations. In some cases, however, you’re better off thinking less about them and leaving the healing process to time. That may seem weak, but the moment you focus on other matters, you’ll feel much better.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

By no means are you narrow-minded. On the contrary, you’re always interested in new people, ideas and places. However, when things haven’t worked out, you see no reason to revisit encounters or places. While, ordinarily that makes sense, adopt that attitude now, and you could easily miss something, or somebody, life-changing.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

While you’ll deal happily with even very unexpected changes, the more anxious you are, the more you prefer to be in control. But, as will become increasingly clear, the month of July is about twists and turns, and these influence everybody. That being the case, the more inquisitive and adaptable your attitude, the better.


Aquarius January 20 – February 17

For ages you’ve been encouraging certain timid individuals to stand up for themselves. Now that at least one of them is doing that, and vigorously, you’re beginning to wonder whether your suggestions were wise. They were. The issue is how forthright to be and timing, something the individual in question will soon understand.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Upsetting somebody is no fun. But you’ve tried diplomacy and, equally, adopted a more forthright way of discussing what’s expected of others and what’s unacceptable. Forget about tact. Be forthright and prepare for dramas. Once they’re over and the individual in question realises there’s no escaping their duties, they’ll settle down.



While most Cancerians are exceedingly conscious of the practical, financial and business side of life, staking a claim for what you’re owed isn’t always easy. While, mostly this involves money, it can have to do with support of some variety or the sure knowledge of others’ loyalty. The birthday move by forthright Mars to accent exactly such matters underlines the importance of, first, thinking through what you expect, and require. But, also, it’s about you making very sure that those who’re involved or who’re around you are fully aware what’s due.


Aries March 20 – April 19

Although the powerful eclipsed New Moon has already taken place, because it’s about breakthroughs, you’ll be experiencing its impact for days, and in some situations, for much longer. In each case, explore every option. You’re in for a big surprise. What seems least appealing initially could turn out best in the long run.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

True, as an earth sign, you’re down to earth. So while you’ve found the practical issues you’ve been facing interesting and often rewarding, you need a break. And, ideally, it will take the form of simply enjoying life for what it offers, not having to ensure that everything is in order.


Gemini May 21 – June 20

Tempting as it is to come up with an excuse for not getting involved in discussions you know will be as time-consuming as they’d be dull, you’ll hurt others’ feelings. This, alone, is important. However, once you learn more, you’ll realise that the matters in question are far more intriguing than you thought.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

Ordinarily saying ‘yes’ to everything would be unwise. However, during this period of exciting and, often, entirely unexpected change, you’re urged to do exactly that. Now, view those arrangements as tentative and, equally, tell others that’s your approach. This is all about exploration. You’ll soon know which plans will last and which won’t.

Leo July 23 – August 22

Every sign was influenced by the recent eclipsed New Moon, and the profound shift in perspective it triggered. However, because it accented certain issues you’ve either been sidestepping or simply hoped would vanish, you could be worried more than thrilled. If so, investigate these. What you learn will cheer you up considerably.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

As a Virgo and an earth sign, you’ve a healthy respect for solid facts. But, as the coming weeks’ planetary activity indicates, things won’t always be what they seem and there’ll be numerous surprising events. While, ordinarily, you’d find that unsettling, you’ll rather enjoy the fresh take on the reality these changes bring.

Libra September 23 – October 22

While you seem easygoing, underneath the surface you’re struggling to impose order on changes, some far-reaching. Take this one step, if not one hour, at a time. Forcing issues will achieve nothing. Instead, relax. That ensures you’re better positioned to deal with ideas or offers as sudden as they could be productive.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Those who insist they’re knowledgeable about certain matters, but who aren’t, can be irritating. While, mostly, this particular characteristic is no more than that, you worry certain individuals could unwittingly take their advice. Discuss, your concerns frankly. Then back off and let others do what they think best, even if you don’t agree.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

You’re decisive by nature, so usually have no problem organising your own plans and, often, dealing with those of others as well. But, at times, even you wish somebody would take over. That’s exactly what’s happening, and you’re battling it. Let go. In this case, destiny has things well in hand.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

If you haven’t already noticed that even simple plans aren’t going as anticipated, you soon will. This is a reflection of July’s two eclipses. While the first has taken place, the second and for you, more powerful, is the Capricorn eclipsed Full Moon on the 16th. After that, you’ll have a] better understanding what’s next.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

The last thing you’re in the mood for is rearranging elements of your work or lifestyle. But judging by what’s going on around you, events are giving you little choice. Don’t do it all now. Take it in stages. As things progress, you’ll find you need to rethink plans, possibly more than once.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

For ages somebody you know cares about you has been making thrilling promises. But nothing has happened. While others insist you should give up hope, your instincts say they’ll take place, and soon. Those feelings are correct. Judging by the Sun’s stunning alliance with your ruler Neptune next week, they’ll happen then.


Long before science analysed eclipses and described the reason they take place, those who observe the heavens have recognised them as turning points, for the world in general but, especially for those born under the sign in which they take place. And because the Cancer eclipsed New Moon is actually on your birthday, this is about a fresh start, in ways you’ve been anticipating but, equally, those that are entirely unexpected. However, all of them are turning points, discussions, events and decisions, from which you won’t look back.


Aries March 20 – April 19

By no means are you secretive. Yet, you see no point in dwelling on situations that are increasingly part of the past. For now, wait and watch. While you’re right to feel there’s more to come, it may take some time. Others seem convinced they can force issues, but these can’t be rushed.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

While it’s true, you’ve a knack for dealing with even seriously complex situations, that doesn’t mean you enjoy it. Yet somebody seems to think you’ll be pleased and flattered that they’d like you to tackle one particularly troubling issue. Saying no won’t be easy. If you don’t, they’ll only become more demanding.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

Being a Gemini, you’re brilliant at devising a way of avoiding demands you’re not in the mood for, even if they’re wise and reasonable. While you’ve escaped unappealing situations this way previously, you’re suddenly feeling more flexible. That’s wise. Dull as what’s arisen seems, you’ll soon realise how fascinating it is.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

It’s true, you’re focusing far more than usual on what you’re doing, in the here and now and, equally, in terms of future plans. The best way to learn about these is to experiment, to try them out. Within a short time you’ll recognise which are unlikely to work versus those that hold promise.

Leo July 23 – August 22

As a fire sign, whatever the situation or setting, you’d rather get things going first, then deal with the details later. While, usually, that approach works, you’re in a period of rapid and often unexpected change. Knowing that, you’re better off dealing with as many details as possible the moment you can.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Ordinarily, when you refuse an offer or tell somebody they can’t do something, you’ll give them a good reason. But with so much in transition, including your ruler Mercury retrograde from 7 July, you’ll be short of reliable facts. Actually, others don’t mind. You need only explain that certain things aren’t a good idea.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Sometimes it’s not until after an eclipse that the focus on the changes it’s triggered or its power is clear. That seems to be the case with the recent solar eclipse, which accented the structure of your life. You’re now considering, if not making, changes that only recently you’d have refused even to discuss.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Sooner or later you’ll have to confront one particularly difficult individual about a sensitive matter. While, obviously, you’d rather get this over with, you sense you’re short of facts. You’re right. They’ll probably surface in mid-July, when the Sun challenges your ruler Pluto. After that, you’ll know enough to take a stand.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Although the first of July’s two powerful eclipses has already taken place, you’ll be experiencing the fallout for days. Tempting as it is to deal with the resulting changes swiftly, for now, you’re urged to explore your options. Ideally decisions can, and should, wait until after July’s second eclipse, on the 16th.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Making halfway plans isn’t your style. But, for now, it’s best. True, this means leaving the details you’d usually have well in hand until the last minute. However, as you’ll soon realise, the more flexible both arrangements and your attitude are, the easier it will be to deal with ongoing and often chaotic changes.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Certain individuals aren’t just eager to make plans, you can’t help but feel they’re panicking when, in fact, there’s no rush. The real problem is that while you fully understand the current twists and turns, the individuals in question don’t. Discuss the facts, point by point, their mood will improve right away.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

The trick to dealing with the complaints that are bound to arise over the coming weeks is to remember that while some are genuine, others will be from those who’d rather moan than tackle their own problems. Your biggest challenge, therefore, is discerning who’d genuinely benefit from your support and who to ignore.


Living well is an art, one that requires both a thoughtful approach to all you do but, equally, good timing. And judging by the arrival of Venus, which is all about beauty, fortune and love, to join the Sun in Cancer on your birthday, these will be an important part of your life now, and over the coming year. When moments that involve such matters arise, invest time in exploring your options, then select those that will bring the most lasting of joys.


Aries March 20 – April 19

In the past you’ve often been so enthusiastic about a plan or, in certain cases, an individual that you’ve impulsively plunged into an alliance. Exciting as that was at the time, things didn’t go well. Unless you’re careful, that could happen again. Tempting as one particular arrangement is, adopt a slow pace.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

It’s not that you’ve been secretive. It’s that whenever you’ve raised certain pivotal matters, others haven’t just been unenthusiastic, they’ve said there’s a range of things that must come first. However, it’s been a while, which suggests it’s time you raise these again, but this time, ensuring that everybody understands their significance.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

Usually you’ve a talent for turning even the most unpredictable of situations into an adventure, one that everybody’s able to enjoy. The problem now is that certain individuals are determined to have a bad time, even though they’ve actually enjoyed everything. Ignore them. They’ll soon realise how unwise this strategy was.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

Although the recent Cancer eclipsed New Moon will have triggered shakeups in circumstances and, equally, raised questions about elements of your life you’ve regarded as unchanging if not stuck, suddenly things are shifting. And rapidly. For now, explore what’s next and what must go. You’ve plenty of time, enough that solid plans can wait.

Leo July 23 – August 22

Certain cautious individuals are urging you to investigate pivotal matters in depth before you commit to the plans you’ve been discussing. But you rightly insist that with so much in transition, arrangements are bound to need a rethink anyway. The trick is to make sure that everybody understands this from the outset.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

You’ve already experienced the shake-ups triggered by the first of July’s two eclipses a few days ago, on the 2nd, and you’re giving serious thought to the changes it could bring. Be aware, however that there’s a second, as powerful, eclipse on the 16th. Only after that should you view arrangements as final.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Confronting somebody who thinks they’re always right is tricky. However, during this period of frequent and rapid change, you can take advantage of the swift pace of events to discuss matters that, clearly, will change and change again, which means nobody, even the individual in question, can be right every time.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

The last thing you’re in the mood to do is question somebody who’s uncooperative on the best of days. In this case, however, they’ve good reason to cooperate with you. Despite that, you’ll need to discuss the situation, point by point. Once it’s all clear, they’ll be far more helpful than you dreamt possible.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Just when you thought you’d outwitted tedious, and time consuming, rules and regulations, sudden changes are forcing you to deal with exactly such matters. While your desire to sidestep these is understandable, avoiding them will take considerable time and energy. You’re better off simply going along with what’s required of you.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Standing your ground is important, especially when you know the facts and want things done right. However, between July’s two eclipses and Mercury being retrograde from the 7th, even seemingly simple arrangements will change, and change again. Adopt a flexible approach now, and maintain it all month. You’ll be glad you did.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Somebody’s determined to get a commitment about certain arrangements. And they’re being exceedingly persistent. That alone is annoying. But the fact is, you’re unsure about your own plans and priorities, so in no position to make promises. You’ve said that already. Repeat your statement, making it clear that’s all you have to say.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

As much as you hate disappointing others, you’ve no choice but to say a firm ‘no’ to certain requests, favours or demands. The problem isn’t this specific request but, rather, than this would be the beginning of a series of situations, each of increasing difficulty, and each far more difficult to refuse.


The last thing you want to do is upset anybody. Judging by your birthday chart, it’s vital you keep this in mind, simply because if you say yes to certain ideas, offers or even unexpected invitations, certain individuals could take offence. This is their way of saying they’re hurt or jealous, which in turn means they’ve little capacity to celebrate joys in your life. Note that, then think of past situations where, similarly, they’ve undermined exciting offers or opportunities. Learn from this. That’s one of this birthday’s greatest gifts.


Aries March 20 – April 19

While it’s true, the confusion triggered by Mercury’s retrograde cycle, which begins on the 7th, can be annoying, it can also lead to informative if not intriguing discussions. What you learn in the process of untangling errors won’t just be informative, the resulting insights will lead to a major rethink.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

The recent eclipsed New Moon actually took place a couple of days ago, but because it accented your point of view, and especially the need to discuss certain controversial matters, by no means is everything settled. Don’t rush this. What you learn in the process of discussion will clarify matters, for you and others.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

About three times a year, your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde, that is, appears to be moving backwards in the heavens. This occurs from Sunday the 7th until 1 August. While this period is renowned for the errors it triggers, often the resulting investigation can lead to powerful, and helpful, insights.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

Although you don’t think of it that way, when faced with certain unsettling matters or difficult individuals, you can be very stubborn. And, unless you’re careful, that will emerge now when, in truth, you’re better off seriously exploring new ideas if not far reaching changes. At least consider these. You’ll be glad you did.

Leo July 23 – August 22

One of the advantages of being a Leo and ruled by the Sun is you’ve an inborn resilience, one most others are lacking. Consequently, they’re often hesitant about taking chances, when you rather enjoy the challenge. Bear that in mind when certain individuals advise caution. They view life from a very different perspective.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Knowing what’s next in both practical matters and the intentions of others is wonderful. But during periods of change, such as this is, it’s also a luxury. Tempting as it is to invest your thoughts, effortsand in some cases, heart, in discussing plans, it will only confuse matters. Your best bet? Living one day at a time.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Obviously, you’re not looking forward to discussing already tense issues with those who’re struggling with ongoing changes. While you’ve no choice, and decisions will soon need to be made, you can switch your approach. Ask the individual in question for their views, and advice, regarding those issues. The rest will be easy.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Having had a few days to think about recent unsettling discussions, you’re beginning to realise how, somehow, you managed to put a range of persistent issues to rest. Now that things are clearer, review your attitude about these matters and, in fact, individuals in question. It might be time for a change.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Usually you’re thrilled about offers or new ideas. Yet at the moment you’re hesitant about such matters, if not actually grumpy. True, these are exciting. However, they’re not under your control which makes you anxious. You may not be conscious of this, but that’s behind your reluctance to take things further.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Not only will the coming weeks be unexpectedly informative, some of what you learn will surprise you and other revelations could reshape your attitude about certain fundamental elements of your life. Knowing that, focus more on exploring your options and save making long term plans of any variety for later.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Don’t be surprised if certain individuals are moaning about the fact Mercury goes retrograde on the 7th. While it’s linked to an increase in errors, often what you learn or those you encounter in the process of dealing with them more than justifies a bit of confusion. The secret? Ask lots of questions.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Think twice before you make any promises, small or large. The problem isn’t whether or not you’ll be able to keep them but, rather, with the foundation of plans shifting substantially, and often, what seems the best option one day could change the next. Ensure plans and promises are simple, and flexible.


There’s a fine line between those who’re encouraging you to take chances, to try out something new, to venture into exciting if unfamiliar territory versus those who say you’re being selfish or demand to be included. You know who these individuals are and, it’s true, saying no to them can be challenging. The trick is to proceed with plans or respond to offers but to avoid discussing it with the individuals in question. You may fear they’ll be angry. If so, that confirms that it’s them who’re selfish, not you.


Aries March 20 – April 19

While you can be amazingly stubborn if issues could influence something you care about, if you’re not personally involved, you’re easygoing about changes. But not everyone has as flexible an attitude. Bear this in mind, and if anybody seems determined to do things their way, don’t even ask way. Leave things to them.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Only days ago, you’d have said a firm no to certain ideas or offers others regard as brilliant. However, you’ve always viewed these as both uninteresting and holding little promise anyway. Since then, events have proved others right and, more importantly, piqued your interest. The next step? It’s getting involved.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

One of your greatest charms as a Gemini is your inquisitive nature. You’re always interested in learning about what others are doing, especially if it’s unfamiliar. While, often, you’ll then decide that’s enough, something you’re about to encounter could be so intriguing you’ll stick with it, and for a while.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

Planning ahead may be a virtue. But if you’re into astrology, you’ll be aware that with the communication planet Mercury retrograde until the first day of August, even simple arrangements could change, often suddenly. Disruptive as these can be, when you look back on them, you’ll realise things worked far better than anticipated.

Leo July 23 – August 22

You’re not argumentative by nature. Yet when somebody’s obviously wrong or you disagree, you’ll stand up to them, mostly to clear the air. While, usually, that’s wise, at the moment it could actually deepen already confused issues. Out of character as it is, back off, at least for now. You’ll soon be glad you did.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Obviously, dealing with others’ mistakes is aggravating. As a Virgo, this is nothing new. Still, you’re especially annoyed. For now, say nothing but, instead, do a little investigation. The fact is, others may have based their plans or actions on what were solid facts at the time which, since then, have changed.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Many who consider themselves experts on astrology discuss Mercury’s retrograde cycle, which begins Sunday and continues until 1 August, as a formula for disaster. While it’s true, there can be an increase in misunderstandings and errors, those can be helpful. In fact, often they’ll trigger useful discussions that otherwise wouldn’t have taken place.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Being a strong-minded individual, you dislike it when others make decisions on your behalf. Their intentions may be good and, in fact, their expertise helpful. Still, you’ve a stubborn streak and, at minimum, prefer to be consulted about such matters. While that’s understandable, this time you’re urged to take their advice, and soon.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

For you, as an inquisitive Sagittarius, plans are often the beginning of a journey of exploration. But not everybody thinks that way, which means that while you’re enjoying the twists and turns triggered by the current unsettled planetary activity, others are battling those changes. Let them. Whatever they do, those changes are inevitable.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Long ago, you realised that not everybody cares as much about doing things right as you do. Still, you may wonder why certain individuals seem to be even less interested in details than usual. Actually, the issue is probably the retrograde Mercury, and the unpredictable events and confusion that comes with it.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Planning ahead may have its virtues. But judging by the coming week’s provocative planetary aspects involving your ruler Uranus, surprises are inevitable. Some will be welcome, others less so, and few disruptive. Knowing that, ensure whatever you’re organising at the moment, can easily be rethought, if not substantially altered.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

When you make a mistake, you’ll often keep it to yourself. Your objective isn’t to avoid criticism but, rather, you’re often able to rethink those plans or rearrange things so they’re actually an improvement. This time, however, discuss what you’re thinking and doing, since others might like to get involved as well.


Your birthday chart is all about taking a tough line with those who insist you never mentioned certain plans or ideas, or that you didn’t ask for their help or support. In some cases, they suggest you even mentioning this is selfish. The trick is to avoid discussing the matter but, instead, to proceed as if you fully expect their support and, if it doesn’t happen, ignore it and, increasingly, them. They actually enjoy upsetting you. Deny them your company, and you’ll remove their source of pleasure. It seems severe but it’s a fact.


Aries March 20 – April 19

It’s not that you’ve been secretive, as some are saying. On the contrary, there’s been far too much talk about certain already tedious matters. Because of that, you quietly organised plans, discussing the details with those in charge. If others are upset, explain they’re too late, and should have got involved earlier.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Only recently you allowed somebody who has a talent for persuading you to get involved in situations you question to do exactly that. Consequently, since then, you’ve both regretted your actions and wondered how to extricate yourself. Now, suddenly, you’re enjoying everything and wonder why you questioned this for even a moment.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

By no means have you been secretive about facts or your feelings. It’s just there was no reason to raise what you knew would be controversial issues. But now you must. Actually, this is good timing. Certain individuals who’re involved are becoming increasingly aware of this, which makes a frank discussion timely.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

It may seem certain individuals are being careless or, alternatively, thinking more about themselves than you. However, everybody is facing the unsettling events triggered by the current pair of eclipses and powerful planetary activity. While this is by no means a calm period, changes are likely to lead to timely breakthroughs.

Leo July 23 – August 22

The combination of Mercury going retrograde and its encounter with fiery Mars, and with both of them in Leo, could lead to passionate discussions but, also, unintentional errors or more serious misunderstandings. If these arise, focus first on clearing up any confusion. Once that’s done, tackle the issues to hand.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

The trick to dealing with this changeable cycle is to plan as much as you can, knowing changes are likely. True, this is out of character for you and could be worrying. However, once those changes arise, as they will, and often, you’ll realise why you’re encouraged to adopt an easygoing approach to everything.

Libra September 23 – October 22

A few days ago, your ruling planet Venus moved to accent the structure of your life. While, thus far, you’ve managed to put off certain tricky decisions they’ll soon become pressing. Begin discussing them and exploring your options, and gradually those decisions will be made, and without the stress you feared.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Don’t be surprised if, over the coming couple of weeks, somebody says you’ve deceived them. Or, alternatively, you may be suspicious you’re being told untruths. While, of course, this is possible, that’s another reason. And that is the retrograde Mercury, and the accompanying confusion. This could be behind it all.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

It’s true, Mercury’s retrograde cycle is about both sudden changes and discovering errors, from the past and those in the here and now. While some of these are a nuisance, others offer insights about situations you’ve found increasingly puzzling, if not a source of confusion. At long last, they’ll make sense.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

While you can’t plan ahead for the unexpected, you can be aware that events are unlikely to go as anticipated. And now, and in the run up to the powerful Capricorn eclipsed Full Moon, on the 16th, that’s the case. This is equally about altering your perspective on life, and making changes in life itself.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

You pride yourself on keeping the promises you make to others. It makes no difference what they are, from your perspective, life would be easier if everybody was as conscientious. Now, however, you must change plans, and in several situations. Relax. Others are being forced to rethink things, and will be relieved.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Many blame everything that goes wrong on the retrograde Mercury. True, often, that’s an excuse for careless planning or laziness in dealing with details. But because it’s accenting certain carefully organised arrangements, surprises are inevitable. Rather than struggle to avoid inevitable changes, set things up so those changes can be dealt with easily.


Your birthday chart is a special one, although initially, it may not seem so. That’s because the communication planet Mercury’s retrograde cycle begins on this date. While this accents unexpected twists and turns, possible errors and surprises, each will offer valuable insights about some element of your life, past or present. Or, equally, you could finally understand what’s behind persistent and often worrying problems. The trick? When setbacks arise, ask questions. What you learn will be interesting now, and prove valuable for the rest of your life.
