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Friday Art & People

Creating a pink, positive narrative

Dubai resident Nithya Rajkumar's pro bono project is dedicated to breast cancer warriors

During photography sessions, all I could see was a true phoenix, a strong beautiful woman whose spirit and inner core was untouched by cancer, says Nithya, preparing to photograph Sandya Rajgopal, who was diagnosed with cancer in 2019
Image Credit: Nithya Rajkumar

The incidence of breast cancer has been rising worldwide with one in eight women likely to be affected by some form of breast cancer according to the American Cancer Association. With this month dedicated to raising awareness about the condition, several projects and initiatives are on in the country to honour and celebrate the strength and positvity of women who are fighting the cancer.

One such is PINKDAYTOSHINE.The brainchild of founder Nithya Rajkumar, an accomplished and licensed photographer and young mother based in Dubai, it mainly aims to portrait, quite literally, the spirit and inner beauty of these women and lend a voice to their inspiring stories.

Led by compassion, Nithya has been involved with various socially impactful projects using photography as a medium. This one too began on a similar note.

‘It all began in 2018, at a regular business portrait session,’ says Nithya, in an interview with Friday. ‘The woman, a professional and young mother, was looking to revamp her social media profile image.’

Nithya Rajkumar

Nithya, who believes in first getting to better understand a client so she can ‘capture their essence in the images’, recalls chatting with the subject when the young lady opened up about how she overcame stage three breast cancer. She also told Nithya of the harsh treatment process she underwent, the lack of acceptance she faced in her society, and her struggle to survive in solitude.


Nithya, who believes in first getting to better understand a client so she can ‘capture their essence in the images’, recalls chatting with the subject when the young lady opened up about how she overcame stage three breast cancer. She also told Nithya of the harsh treatment process she underwent, the lack of acceptance she faced in her society, and her struggle to survive in solitude.

‘As a young mother myself, I was deeply touched by her story. She mentioned her concerns of having thin eyebrows and eyelashes from the chemotherapy sessions. Keen to boost her confidence and to applaud her strength, I decided to offer the photoshoot as a gift including a makeup session by a professional make up artist.’

As an astute photographer, Nithya dwells on certain finer aspects of the photography process. She explained, ‘Our eyes are like windows to the soul. During every photo session, there are a few seconds where the eyes of the subject, light up. The eyes connect with me and my camera…images captured in that moment, encapsulate the true essence of that individual. In those moments, all I could see was a true phoenix, a strong beautiful woman whose spirit and inner core was untouched by cancer.’

That was the beginning of the PINKDAYTOSHINE project.

The juggernaut grew bigger


The project that began in 2019, grew as she portrayed more women every year. The idea was to showcase the quintessential power of these women who had a tryst with destiny and had been through a roller coaster ride of their lives to emerge stronger. Since then, every year Nithya invites 10-12 breast cancer warriors for a photoshoot and casual get-together where they share their journey. They meet at a pleasant location, get photographed against a beautiful décor and are treated to refreshments and gifts.

Since it first began, the initiative has not only captured the portraits of 30 women in UAE but has also become an international platform after it went online during the pandemic connecting those with cancer to share their stories and to support each other to fight the disease. In 2021, the online event had over 150 attendees, says Nithya.

‘During the pandemic years the project was able to inspire and give hope to more women across the globe,’ she says. ‘This year, the PINKDAYTOSHINE2022 photoshoot is happening on October 16, 2022, in Abu Dhabi; on October 22, in Dubai and online on October 26. The online event will provide a dynamic virtual conference and include inspirational messages from breast cancer warriors and insightful talks from medical experts.’

Those coping with breast cancer, their primary care givers and family members can register at their website: to attend the online event.

Elaborating on the essence of the project Nithya says, ‘The photographs portray the women warriors in their true essence, beautiful and confident in their skin. The project hopes to raise awareness and to normalize conversations about breast cancer– something I feel is important for women in many regions where awareness, acceptance and approach to this illness is still not positive.’


She is grateful to a bouquet of corporates and brands in the UAE for extending support to her intiative by providing the venue, advice, and gifts, among other things.

‘Hope is stronger than fear they say and I believe these portraits and stories will inspire positive thoughts in those who are battling breast cancer and bring awareness to others about importance of early detection,’ says Nithya.

Priyanka Gupta
Image Credit: Nithya Rajkumar

A zest for life

Indian expatriate, Priyanka Gupta, 60, is an epitome of defiance in the face of aggressive breast cancer. A survivor who had to struggle with weakness in her arms post treatment, Priyanka did not let the condition dampen her dreams. Working hard to retain movement in her arms, she trained and today is a professional golfer. ‘It is a delight to watch her tee off on the golf course,’ says Nithya.

Priyanka’s message: ‘Never let cancer dictate what you can or can’t do. Practise gratitude, eat healthy, exercise regularly. I highly recommend yoga. Apart from a positive mind, even your breath has the power to heal you. There are always two sides to every story, stay on the positive side and stay grateful.’

Rajaa Khalifa
Image Credit: Nithya Rajkumar

‘Every day is a gift’

British national Rajaa Khalifa, a working mum of three children (her youngest is two years old), was diagnosed with a rare type of stage three breast cancer in January, 2021. She was continuing with her chemo treatment when she joined the PINKDAYTOSHINE 2021 event at Rotana Yas Island, Abu Dhabi.

Determined not to let her condition affect her family or her emotionally, she gave priority to her duties of motherhood always. Her husband was the rock behind as were her parents, especially on days when felt she couldn’t move.

Rajaa’s message: ‘I urge all ladies, no matter what your age is, to go and get yourself checked. You must do regular monthly self-examinations. Don’t be scared if you find anything suspicious; get it checked by a medical professional. Every day, I wake up with my kids, and believe it is a gift. I try my best to create beautiful memories for my kids. [Going through such experiences] made me realise what matters most and what doesn’t in life.

Joylyn Hantig Reano
Image Credit: Nithya Rajkumar

Fighitng fearlessly

Filipina expatriate Joylyn Hantig Reano, a teaching assistant in Abu Dhabi and a mother of two children, was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer in May 2020 at the age of 40. But she was able to spiritedly fight back.

Joylyn’s message: ‘My advice to others goig through similar ordeals is: Do not be afraid, be brave and face this disease. The right treatment no matter how tough, will save you. It is better to be detected early as that can truly save your life. Do regular breast examinations. If you feel anything abnormal, don’t be afraid. Consult the doctor, a medical expert who can help you to figure out what you need to do.’

Yousra Zubair
Image Credit: Nithya Rajkumar

‘Don’t take health for granted’

Through her battle with breast cancer, Pakistani expatriate Yousra Zubair learned one important lesson: ‘No cancer can change the core of who you are’. Post treatment she continues to be the same person who loves life and loves to smile.

For 30-year-old Yousra who was diagnosed with cancer in 2018 that resulted in mastectomy and the loss of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, it was the darkest period of her life.


Fortunately, her support network that included her husband and parents, stood by her and helped her through it. Defiant and strong as she emerged through it all, Yousra says, ‘I will never take my life or health for granted and I will live each day to the fullest. I found strength at my weakest; I found light in my darkness; I found beauty in my scars.’

Yusra’s message: ‘Younger women tend ignore the warning signs— such as a lump in the breast or an unusual discharge, as they believe they are too young to get breast cancer.

‘Be aware of your body. Be aware of the signs to watch for. Get yourself checked. Tell yourself that no matter how tough days may seem, you will stand by yourself. Keep going. Fight the cancer with your positive attitude and smile.’
