The King Abdullah Financial District, north of Riyadh. Image Credit: Reuters

Abu Dhabi: The Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has revealed its most prominent targets in the 2021 budget, which included the employment of 115,000 Saudis in various sectors who had not previously entered the labor market or had been out of work for more than three months, local media reported.

The ministry indicated that it aims to localise accounting, engineering, communications and information technology professions.

It is also aiming to regulate self-employment activity, in addition to launching a platform for issuing self-employment documents, as well as linking with the Ejar platform through a mechanism requiring the owner of a business to disclose the residence of workers.

Among the ministry’s plan is the establishment of an independent national authority to lead, operate and coordinate the non-profit sector in the Kingdom, to raise the level of governance and transparency, and establish an academy for the development of administrative leadership aimed at developing government sector employees, and later provide its services to the private sector.

The ministry will also launch a programme to attract male and female non-working graduates to work in government agencies.