Abstaining from food and water during the hot summer month of Ramadan might be challenging, however for most, the real challenge is to keep fit and maintain muscle mass. Staying fit, especially during this month, is about maximising nutrient intake, maintaining proper hydration, and modifying key fat-burning and muscle-building hormones and workout planning. If the goal is to gain quality weight, it is recommended not to train while fasting because of the elevated levels of cortisol in the system that could stop any muscle gains. If the target is to lose fats and weight, working out throughout the day is permissible.

One hour before iftar is an appropriate time to focus on low-intensity exercise rather than HIIT or weight training. The only downside is you cannot drink water during your workout, so make sure that you get plenty of fluids to rehydrate yourself the moment you break your fast.

If you prefer to work out while fasting, minimise the cardiovascular training to its slowest pace, take reasonable rest periods between sets to maintain moderate heart rate and keep your training sessions not more than 30 – 40 minutes. Stay away from direct sunlight and opt for a well ventilated, air-conditioned space to practice.

Training after Tarawih (Ramadan evening prayers) will allow you to train as you normally would. If you intend to maintain the intensity of training during Ramadan then this is your window to get optimum results. Training after a light meal for iftar will maintain sugar levels within the normal range, and food items such as oats, fruits and nuts will steadily supply the required energy for the workout. After an intensive session, consume adequate amount of proteins within an hour to supply your body what it needs to repair and build lean muscles. Recommended proteins can include organic chicken, free-range eggs, cottage cheese, and fish.

The key to maintaining a healthy body is a balanced combination of regular exercise and eating the right food at the right time. Fuelling your body is essential for burning the excess calories, staying energized and building muscle. Hydration during suhour and iftar is key to survive the long hours of fasting, ensure intake of at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water in this period.

- The writer is master trainer at Gold's Gym