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The car that crashed into the shop Image Credit: Supplied

Sharjah: A distracted motorist created panic in Maysloon area of Sharjah when she accidentally drove through a shop window on April 29.

The Pakistani woman, 42, crashed into a grocery shop, Abdelrahman Alshamsi, Accident & RSA Department Manager at Rafid Automotive Solutions, said.

The driver did not suffer any injuries, although the shop glass was shattered and the car got dented.

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The grocery shop in which the car crashed Image Credit: Supplied

The accident was caused when the motorist stepped on the accelerator instead of the brakes.

Meanwhile, Sharjah Police is cracking down on people who use their mobile phones while driving.

Latest figures show that in 2020, Sharjah Police imposed 10,882 fines for distracted driving. Cases involving mobile phone use while driving reached 9,872.

Police said despite repeated warnings, many motorists still insist on breaking the law and use mobile phones while driving.

What the law says

Article 23 of the new traffic law states that using mobile phones while driving can incur a fine of Dh800 and four black points.

Distracted driving causes sudden lane changes and leads to accidents, the police said.

Officials pointed out that children, pets, radio are among distractions for motirists.

As many as 9,872 motorists were fined for speaking or texting on mobile phones during 2020.