Dubai: A salesman has been cleared of threatening to kill his boss and his family if he did not accept his resignation immediately and waive the three-month notice period.

The 31-year-old Pakistani salesman allegedly walked into his French boss’ office and submitted his written resignation with immediate effect in September.

The boss told the salesman that his resignation would not be approved with immediate effect and that he would have to serve the three-month notice period before he could cancel his residency.

In his complaint, the Frenchman alleged that the 31-year-old got angry and threatened him.

The boss alerted the police saying he had taken his employee’s threats very seriously and felt scared for his life and that of his family.

Prosecutors accused the 31-year-old employee of verbally threatening to kill his boss and his family if he didn’t accept his resignation, cancel his visa and spare him from serving the notice period.

The Pakistani man firmly refuted the accusation when he showed up before the Dubai Court of First Instance.

He contended that the boss’ claims were unfounded and baseless.

On Tuesday, presiding judge Mohammad Jamal acquitted the Pakistani citing lack of corroborated evidence.

The French boss alleged to prosecutors: “Once I told the salesman that, by law, he had to serve his three-month notice period, he got angry and threatened to kill me. He also threatened to kill my family if I did not accept his resignation with immediate effect and waived his notice period.”

The primary ruling remains subject to appeal within 15 days.