Yemen: Backed by UAE Armed Forces, Arab Coalition bombarded the Iran-backed Al Houthi fortifications in Al Jarahi, Tahita and Bait Al Faqih areas on Yemen’s Red Sea coast, killing scores from the rebels who fled the battlefronts en masse.

The Arab Coalition artillery targeted positions and concentrations of the Al Houthis, as the joint Yemeni Resistance Forces continue to advance towards Hodeidah Airport, clearing pockets of the rebels inside the plantations in the build-up to the liberation of the strategic city.

The Yemeni Resistance managed to secure the coastline extending from Al Khokha up to Al Dorihmi, south of Hodeidah, amid massive operations aimed at clearing the rebels from their bastions in Tahita, Zubeid, Bait Al Faqih and eastern areas along the coastline, with the coup perpetrators suffering heavy losses.