I am a student of law based in India. I would like to do my Master of Law and want to know whether completing the degree from a UK-affiliated institute in India will have the same value as completing it at the parent institute in the UK? What is the difference?
Mekhala Benny, via email 

Master of Law (LLM) is a two-year programme offered by the National Law School in Bangalore. The specialisations available are business law and human rights law. Jawaharlal Nehru University offers some master's programmes in law and governance. The master's programmes at the School for International Studies offers modules on international law, environment law, trade law and space law.

Students in India normally choose to specialise in constitutional law, family law and taxation law.

Though most countries do not require a LLM to become a lawyer, in the competitive global legal arena, a master's degree gives you an advantage.

In the UK even those who do not intend to practise law take the LLM. Therefore, universities will consider your application even if you have not studied law in your undergraduate degree.

Indian Universities are of an extremely high calibre and I would endorse the completion of your qualifications in India. Having said that, should you want to study at a British university, it is best to study in the UK. Education is a holistic experience and includes the unique exposure and experience you will get by studying in an overseas campus. From an Indian perspective, the value of the LLM degree has greater value if you have some work experience abroad.

I have graduated from Mumbai University in commerce. Currently, I am working in Dubai, but feel dissatisfied with what I am doing. I don't know how to find out what my capabilities and interests are. Please guide me.
Jacob James, Dubai 

Talk to a college counsellor who would be able to guide you on the vast range of subjects you can do after a degree in commerce. There are many options including human resources, accounting, finance, environmental economics, space commerce, forensic accounting, hotel management and actuarial.

You could also take a psychometric test.

I could list a dozen career options but I would need to know your passions and interests. I do advise that you study further, as today, a Bachelor of Commerce alone would not be enough to get you a really good career.