STOCK Oman Air
This success reflects Oman's dedicated efforts in updating and strengthening civil aviation laws Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: Oman moves from 133rd place in 2020 to the fifth position worldwide in the compliance index for the effective implementation of aviation safety oversight elements for the civil aviation sector.

The compliance index in the aviation industry are measures taken by airlines, airports, and other stakeholders to ensure they adhere to the laws and regulations governing the aviation industry.

This achievement signifies Oman's leap ahead of 127 countries, demonstrating significant improvement across eight key areas.

Regionally, Oman has advanced to 2nd place from 10th, and within the GCC, rising from 6th to 2nd place. These advancements highlight Oman's commitment to enhancing aviation safety standards, achieving an impressive score of 95.95 per cent compared to 60.47 per cent in 2020.

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of Oman announced these results during a press conference held at its headquarters in Muscat. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Global Aviation Safety Oversight Audit Program plays a crucial role in assessing member states' compliance with international aviation safety standards.

Oman's achievement includes securing the top global spot in civil aviation legislation, scoring a perfect 100 per cent, up from 85.71 per cent, matching standards set by 16 other countries worldwide.

This success reflects Oman's dedicated efforts in updating and strengthening civil aviation laws and regulations to ensure sector safety and operational excellence.