Fahd bin Abdul Rahman Al Jalajel, Minister of Health, was honoured with the Guinness World Records certificate for the centre. Image Credit: SPA

Dubai: Saudi Arabia’s Al Ahsa governorate has entered the Guinness World Records for organising the largest human gathering of Type I diabetes patients to educate people and raise awareness.

The Diabetes Centre in the governorate was established in January 2020 and specialises in Type I diabetes treatment. The centre, primarily focused on treating children with Type I diabetes, has successfully reduced admission rates to just 1 per cent, significantly lower than the global average of 8 per cent.

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The centre operates a highly skilled team of 14 professionals.

Fahd bin Abdul Rahman Al Jalajel, Minister of Health, was honoured with the Guinness World Records certificate for the centre.

The record-breaking event saw 752 beneficiaries gather, facilitated by Al Ahsa Diabetes Centre. The centre has made significant strides in various areas, notably reducing the patient admission rate.

It has also achieved a 100 per cent improvement in blood sugar levels and quality of life for patients, along with ensuring complete satisfaction among its beneficiaries.