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A view shows buildings and houses in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Image Credit: AFP

Abu Dhabi: A folk healer has claimed on social media that he can make blind people see.

The healer says he invented 15 medicines for eye diseases that activate the blood of dead or damaged cells, raising questions among people with visual impairment about the effectiveness of the treatment, and why it was not registered with the Saudi Food and Drug Authority.

In an interview with Al Watan, the traditional healer said he had invented many medicines that treat diabetes and eyes patients.

“I have invented 15 folk eye medicines, including those that restore the sight to the blind, increase field of vision, treat blindness caused retinal diseases, as well as eye clot, cataracts, night blindness, flesh, and constant tears streaming, flying flies, in addition to poor eyesight, and a cure for those who see letters connected to each other when reading, the eyes twitching, and improving vision for those who implanted lens in the eye,” the healer claimed.

A consultant in toxicology and analyzing medicines and herbs at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Dr. Mohammad Al Tafil, explained that the bitter melon herb contains a very laxative substance, and one of the medical studies carried out by King Khalid University proved that it causes ulcers and stomach bleeding, indicating that it is a very dangerous herb, and it has nothing to do with eye diseases.

He called for imprisonment and fines for all claiming such drugs, and forbidding the promotion of his herbal mixtures.

Dr Al Tafail added the camel urine, used in the folk medicines, has proven effective in treating cancer if it is taken directly, but mixing it with some herbs may cause bacteria to multiply, because most herbal mixtures are not sterile, and if mixed with water or any liquid, bacteria and germs multiply on it, and generate problems in the digestive system and it may lead to poisoning.