Stock cyber crime hacking
The Royal Oman Police won the award for best awareness film in the category of combating cyber crimes. Photo for illustrative purposes. Image Credit: Shutterstock

Muscat: The Sultanate’s Royal Oman Police won the award for best awareness film in the category of combating cyber crimes, in the competition organised by the General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers.

The virtual event held on the side-lines of the 44th Conference of Arab Police and Security Leaders 2021, was at the Headquarters of the General Secretariat of Tunisia.

The competition is aimed to spread cyber security awareness and in turn to prevent and control cyber crime.

Raise awareness

The participation of the Royal Oman Police in this competition intends to raise awareness among members of the community about the seriousness of the crime and was done in cooperation with private sector institutions.

A similar award was won in 2016 by Oman’s ROP for the best awareness film in the field of social media risk in the competition organized by the General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers.

ROP proactively engages in nabbing cyber criminals which in recent times had shot up due to increased activities on online marketing and market places.