Abu Dhabi/Dubai: Many Sri Lankans yesterday cut short their working day to be in front of the television to watch every bit of the news regarding the death of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam's (LTTE) founder-leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran.

The civil war, which has been going on for nearly 25 years, came to a bitter end for the LTTE, who were routed by the Sri Lankan army.

Priyanthi Priyadarshini, a Sri Lankan homemaker in Abu Dhabi, said she was very happy about the end of the war following the death of top rebel leaders including Prabhakaran.

"I am sad about the loss of human lives - although they are terrorists, they are human beings too. But, any way the country will be peaceful now and we are eager to experience it next month when we go there during the school vacations," she said.

"My children can go anywhere without fear of bomb blasts, I hope."

Now is the time to help the internally displaced people from war zones, especially Tamils, she said.

"We will extend all help to the government by sending clothes and other essential items for them", added Priyadarshini who is also president of the Sri Lankan Community Circle in Abu Dhabi.

Nishanti, a Sharjah-based Sri Lankan housemaid, said: "I am extremely happy that finally Prabhakaran is dead. It is good for my country. Because of that man so many people died in my country. Unlike what the LTTE have been portraying so long, there is no problem between a common Tamil and a Singhalese and they live in perfect harmony but it is the LTTE that created all the negative propaganda.

"I stayed away from work and the entire day was spent watching Sri Lankan and foreign television channels... I called my family at home and even they were glad the civil war has finally ended." Sujith Weerasinghe, a Dubai-based finance manager, said the LTTE had not only destroyed the country but also its economy.

"Everybody in Sri Lanka wanted to get rid of them. Even Sri Lankan Tamils are very happy. Colombo-6 is an area where the majority of Sri Lankans living are Tamils, We don't have a problem. They are after all Sri Lankans. There is no ethnic problem in my country. It is all a creation of the LTTE and those who kept funding them to fulfil their own aspirations. The Singhalese as well as Tamils in Lanka can now live in peace."

How do you feel about the recent events? What does the future hold for Sri Lanka?

Your comments

i am very happy for all sri lankan friends congrats. many people r celebrating having parties but please dont forget that some people back in your home country are suffering from this war whatever you are spending on parties please send that money to the needy one
Posted: May 19, 2009, 15:22

I'm glad LTTE is finally finished ,they wiped out many people, villages, masjids now they had paid. however Now Srilankan leadership must address root cause, start grass root development with education,equal rights for minority otherwise there would be many more prabakaran
Omar Rao
Posted: May 19, 2009, 12:20

With The defeat of the LTTE, the government can focus on rebuilding the war torn areas. Without the threat of LTTE, the budget being used for the military can be decreased and use the money to develop the economy, increase education, public works and health services budget to uplift the life of the Sri Lankans.
Rismy Mohammad
Posted: May 19, 2009, 10:57

We are glad to hear the LTTE is wiped out. We hope peace will return to Sri Lanka because our children do not know what "peace" means in our island country. However, please give the minority community their fair share.
Shabir Zain Al Deen
Abu Dhabi,UAE
Posted: May 19, 2009, 10:10

I am very happy for my Sri Lankan fellows and i want to wish Srilankans all the best for their future, i wish the same for pakistan that hopefully soon our army will flush all the terrorists out from my country Pakistan. InSHALLAH
Abbas Ali
Posted: May 19, 2009, 09:19

i am so happy that we are having a party on 23/05/2009 we are so happy so so so happy
Shane Bernard
Posted: May 19, 2009, 09:18

Until a solution is given for the minority in Sri Lanka, the problem would exist.
Posted: May 19, 2009, 08:08

As a fellow Sri Lankan Tamil, I feel blaming the Government for the start of this conflict is senseless. Its not the current govt that started it, but certain communal minded politicians several decades ago. Attitudes and mindsets have since changed. The common sinhalese and tamil people do live in peace. I personally have more Sinhalese friends than Tamil. Its time to re-build our country and exploit the full potential of all our resources.
Posted: May 19, 2009, 07:59

Indeed it is nice to hear there will be no terrorism in Sri Lanka. First one has to think, why the LTTE started. Therefore, we should see that henceforth, there will be no partiality in the community.
Wickrame TilakaRatne
Posted: May 19, 2009, 07:28

We are very happy to hear that LTTE leaders has been killed. We can live in the Country peacefully. Economy will boost, too.
Abu Dhabi,UAE
Posted: May 19, 2009, 05:57

It would make no difference if Sri Lankan government doesn't come up with political solutions for Tamils' ethnic problems. Though it's claimed that Prabaharan is dead it's yet to be confirmed and government is yet to show the evidence. I hope my country will be a peaceful place to live in the near future.
Posted: May 19, 2009, 05:37