COVID-19: Top 7 guidelines Dubai's private schools will follow on reopening
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Dubai: Private schools in Dubai will remain open on Thursday, Dubai's Knowledge and Human Development Authority said.

KHDA tweeted: "Our condolences on the passing of Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid. He brought thousands of students together in friendship, harmony and mutual respect - may he Rest In Peace. Private schools in Dubai will remain open Thursday."

The news comes as UAE enters a ten-day period of mourning over the death of Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and UAE Minister of Finance.

Wednesday’s KHDA tweet followed a Ruler’s Court update earlier the same day, announcing a ten-day mourning period during which flags will be flown at half-mast. Dubai Government departments and entities will suspend operations for three days, starting Thursday.

Classes will be held as normal in Dubai private schools on Thursday, the KHDA tweeted later on Wednesday.