Tell us more about IFZA's People-First Approach to leadership and business.
Our world is increasingly virtual, particularly in business. However, we believe that technology should enhance, but not replace, the human connection.
IFZA's People-First Approach simply entails prioritizing people- our Partners, clients, employees and our communities. We are relentless in our efforts to develop a positive experience with every person that we interact with, using tools and technologies that facilitate doing business with people and for people.
"How can we stay one step ahead in doing more for our people?" is a question we constantly ask ourselves. It's an ongoing learning process that we are committed and excited to go through.
How does this commitment to a People-First Approach manifest?
Recognising that people have fundamental needs for growth and connection, we have formed collaborations and events for this
purpose. Our Partners and employees attend to enjoy, but in between, we find opportunities to share experiences and provide tangible support because we are connected on a human and personal level. Ultimately, this leads us on the right track to becoming more formidable in pursuing excellence. The IFZA Academy is also another manifestation of our commitment. We believe that if we empower people with knowledge, we are equipping with tools they need to progress.
How do you reach your stakeholders?
This is our core purpose that we express through our global network of Partners who convey the strategic opportunities that Dubai offers to entrepreneurs around the world.
We also connect with the diplomatic communities in the UAE, who are essentially the voices of their people. By developing a broader awareness of their business obstacles and opportunities, we can formulate approaches that are more in-tune with their needs.
What are other plans in the pipeline to strengthen your relationship with your stakeholders?
Inspired by the announcements of the UAE Leadership, we are laying the foundation of several initiatives to increase IFZA's impact on the wider community. These include competitions for entrepreneurs who have compeLLing business ideas that positively impact people and the planet, entrepreneurship initiatives aimed at building the essential business competence among UAE Nationals and integrated mentorship programs to train new generations of UAE National Free Zone specialists.
We are relentless in trying to outdo ourselves, so we have more underway, and we are thriLLed to reveal them very soon.