The funeral prayer was performed after Dhuhr prayers on Thursday at the Imam Turki bin Abdullah Mosque in Riyadh, and he was laid to rest, the court said in a statement carried by Saudi Press Agency SPA. Image Credit: World Flags/imageBROKER/REX/Shut

Dubai: Saudi Arabia’s Royal Court has mourned the death of Prince Faisal bin Khalid bin Fahd bin Nasser bin Abdulaziz Al Saud who passed away on Wednesday.

The funeral prayer was performed after Dhuhr prayers on Thursday at the Imam Turki bin Abdullah Mosque in Riyadh, and he was laid to rest, the court said in a statement carried by Saudi Press Agency SPA.

“May Allah Almighty bless him with mercy, forgiveness and satisfaction. We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return,” the statement said.