Joe Biden Kamala Harris
Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden stands left as his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris speaks at the Hotel DuPont in Wilmington, Delaware, Thursday, Aug. 13, 2020. Image Credit: AP

Washington: As Indian Americans and Indians around the world celebrate the selection of California Senator Kamala Devi Harris--the daughter of an Indian immigrant - the South Asians for Biden umbrella organisation is launching the 'Indians for Biden National Council'.

In recognition of the historic nature of Senator Harris' announcement, and the opportunity it presents to further cement the Indian American community's support for the Democratic Party, the Council will promote and highlight the close ties between the 2020 Democratic ticket and the Indian American community. The Council will debut on Saturday at the Indian Independence Day event hosted by the Biden campaign and South Asians for Biden.

Under the South Asians for Biden umbrella organisation, the Council will mobilise Indian Americans of all faiths and backgrounds to work to get the Biden-Harris ticket and other Democrats elected across the country. Neha Dewan, National Director of South Asians for Biden, noted that it was critical for Indian Americans and other South Asians to understand what's at stake with the election, especially with early voting beginning in just a few weeks.

"South Asians for Biden is excited to launch the Indians for Biden National Council to promote a ticket that is reflective of America," Dewan said. "Joe Biden's experience and know-how, along with Kamala Harris' unrelenting grit and passion for fighting for justice, is exactly what is needed for these unprecedented times. That Senator Kamala Harris is the daughter of immigrants from Jamaica and India, adds another dimension to this moment."

South Asians for Biden has proudly selected Sanjeev Joshipura to serve as the Director for the Indians for Biden National Council. "We are on the cusp of a historic moment with the election of a ticket that features a Black and Indian American woman," said Joshipura. "It's up to us to educate and mobilise the community because the Indian American community's future hinges upon this election."

Joshipura added that the Council intends to seize on this historic moment by "working to educate community members about Biden's long history of supporting India and the Indian American community, as well as educating voters of Senator Harris's illustrious career in public service, and highlighting Harris's Indian heritage."

The Indians for Biden National Council will announce key team members in the coming weeks as the group ramps up its efforts to help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris defeat Donald Trump. The Indian Independence Day event will feature remarks from Biden.

South Asians for Biden is a national, grassroots organization that is dedicated to engaging, educating, and mobilising the South Asian community to help to elect Joe Biden as the next President of the United States.