DUBAI Doctors in Dubai have allayed parents’ concerns over the national immunisation campaign against measles starting next month.

Over a million school children across the country will be given a jab of the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine by the Ministry of Health (MoH) for free from November 1 as part of the National Measles Immunisation Campaign. Made compulsory for everyone aged between one and 18 regardless of prior vaccination status, schools in recent weeks were as well asked by the MoH to get signed consent of parents on a form.

Adverse effects

However parents concerned about having to get their children a second or a third dose of the vaccine have been told by city doctors that there’s nothing to worry about. “The vaccine is safe for generally everyone. It may have adverse effects only on those with serious allergic or immune system problems or ones undergoing medications,” said Dr. Mohammed Zaheeruddin, Specialist Paediatrician at Medeor 24x7 Hospital in Bur Dubai.

In the UAE, he said, the MMR vaccine is administered in two doses - a first shot at 12 months followed by a second at the age of around five. “For many children it will be a second or a third dose but studies do suggest that a child can safely receive even up to two more doses,” he added. However there should be at least a month’s gap between a ‘live’ vaccination and an MMR shot, says Dr. Naveen Kumar, paediatrician at Aster medical centre. “There’s nothing to worry about an extra MMR shot even if a child has been given the mandatory two MMR doses but parents should ensure at least a six months gap between doses,” he added.