Sharjah Family Court-1688400743804
The Justice House in Sharjah.

Sharjah: Most family differences are rather simple. But they tend to be blown out of proportion due to the stubbornness of the spouses, that's why reconcialition remains to be the most preferred route when disputes arise between spouses.

So said the director of the Family Forum Centre affiliated with the Sharjah Social Services Department (SSSD) here. The centre recently launched a new service, in cooperation and coordination with the Family Court in Sharjah, entitled “Family Guidance and Reconciliation”.

The new service aims to benefit the fostered children and includes all common aspects such as alimony, education, health, housing and vision preserving the child’s dignity and rights.

The service carries out family reform, counseling and guidance sessions for cases that come to court with parties to the conflict and family problems in the pre-divorce stage to discourage them from separating.


Fayza Khabab, Director of the Family Forum Centre affiliated to SSSD, said that through this service, the centre was able to help 17 reconciliation agreements between spouses signed within a month of its implementation.

'Reconciliation is key'

The family guidance and reform service provided by the centre follows the “Reconciliation Is Key” programme, known as the parental relationship.

This is an agreement that regulates the relationship between separated parents towards their children.

The service carries out family reform, counseling and guidance sessions for cases that come to court with parties to the conflict and family problems in the pre-divorce stage to discourage them from separating.

Khabab added that  signing the reconciliation agreement means either returning things to normal between the spouses and closing the case, or signing the parental agreement in case no agreement was reached.

She stated that the guidance and family reform service is conducted either in the presence of the two parties at the Family Forum Centre or in the Family Court, or the session is electronically visible through a link that is determined with the disputing parties.

Even though the issues are straightforward, Khabab said that the majority of litigation result from intransigence between the couples, and reconciliation is still the most preferred outcome in such cases.