Australia bushfire
A kangaroo rushes past a burning house in Conjola, Australia, on Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2019. The country’s east coast is dotted with apocalyptic scenes on the last day of the warmest decade on record in Australia Image Credit: Matthew Abbott/The New York Times

Dubai: His Highness Shaikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces tweeted on Tuesday in support of the efforts being taken to manage the effects of the bushfires in Australia.

Catastrophic bushfires have turned swathes of Australia into smouldering, blackened hellscapes and destroyed an area about the size of the island of Ireland, according to official figures.

In a tweet, Sheikh Mohamed said: "I was briefed by the Australiam Prime Minister [Scott Morrison] on a phone call about the efforts being taken to fight the fires sweeping through Australia recently. I let him know of UAE's readiness to provide help and assistance in these efforts."

The UAE reiterated its solidarity with the Australian people and its readiness to provide the necessary expertise, equipment, manpower and other forms of support to help fight bush fires and rebuild the damage they have caused.

The bushfires have left 25 people dead and authorities warn the disaster still has weeks or months to run.

The fires have also had a devastating impact on the country's unique flora and fauna, with some estimates putting the death toll at nearly half a billion animals in one state alone, and experts believe it could take decades for wildlife to recover.

Sheikh Mohammed and Morrison, during the call, highlighted the importance of strengthening cooperation and intensifying regional and international efforts to promote security, stability and peace in the region and greater world.

- Inputs from AFP