Tony Bou Khalil Image Credit: Arshad Ali/XPRESS

Dubai: It’s that time of the year again when fuzz enthusiasts pop up everywhere. Yes, Movember is here and several UAE men have joined others around the world in raising awareness about various cancers afflicting men such as prostate and testicular cancer – by growing a moustache or beard.

From Chevros, walrus, handlebars, French forks to ducktails, these men are going all out to not just make a point but also to have some fun along the way.

“Movember is an important month for me as I lost my grand-father to prostate cancer,” said Egyptian expat Samy Selim. “The last two years I have been sporting a French fork in his honour and to drive home a message to all the men out there – young and old – to get regular checks done. Testicular cancer rates have doubled in the last 50 years.”

Canadian expat Shannon Quadros too is an ardent supporter of the month-long ‘No Shave Movember’. “It is a chance to try something new and fun with your facial hair while being part of a worthwhile cause. This year has been challenging for me. I started with a five o’clock shadow in February and decided to put my razor down. Seeing my initiative to raise awareness for men’s health, my friends and family too have been inspired to embrace the cause. Nine months down, my advice to everyone is stop shaving and start fundraising,” he said.

For a cause

“If you’re not ready to get hairy, sit back and support someone who is. Embrace the charm, panache and charisma that comes with the cause. Life is great with a beard,” he added.

Growing a beard, however, is not easy for someone who has not had one before as Indian expat Clement Edward found out.

“When you judge a beard, you judge a man. It took me two years to get to where I am now and it took me some time to get used to seeing myself in the mirror. But I am happy to support a great cause.”

For Lebanese hair-stylist Tony Bou Khalil, Movember is a month to get adventurous with facial hair styles.

“It is the time to don a new avatar. And besides the cause, the fuzz brings life to the person wearing it. On a more serious note, I am all for raising awareness about men’s health. Breast cancer is a huge campaign all over the world, let do the same for prostate cancer too,” said Tony.


Tips on how to grow a Mo

1. Be prepared before your first follicle appears, choose the moustache that will grace your face.

2. Be brave. The first few days, even weeks, can be uncomfortable and a little awkward as your facial fuzz grows and your Mo takes shape.

3. Ignore the itching. Remind yourself that men have endured worse in the past, you can stand a little face tickle.

4. Shape your moustache using proper grooming techniques. A great Mo comes down to grooming.

5. Nurture it and keep it clean. Look after your Mo and your Mo will look after you.