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Duba Municipality advises parents to keep children safe in home swimming pools.

Dubai: As temperatures soar this summer, the Dubai Municipality has urged residents to keep kids safe in home pools. The civic body has asked residents to follow a set of guidelines aimed at ensuring the safety of children using swimming pools in the premises of their houses.

With the increasing popularity of home pools, these measures are crucial to prevent accidents and promote a safe swimming environment especially during the summer months when pool usage is at its peak.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), drowning is one of the leading causes of unintentional deaths worldwide wherein children from ages one to five account for the majority of the deaths.

This trend is also observed in Dubai during the accident investigations conducted by DM Health and Safety Department wherein the majority of drowning incidents involves children of the above age bracket, the civic body said in its guidelines issued for public pools in the emirate. Latest figures of drowning cases in Dubai pools were not immediately available.

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Safety tips

Residents, especially families residing in houses with pools, are urged to adhere to the following safety tips shared by the municipality:

Supervise children at all Times: Parental supervision is paramount. An adult should always be present when children are swimming. This vigilance helps prevent accidents and allows for immediate response in case of an emergency.

Prohibit running or jumping by the pool: To avoid slips and falls, children should be discouraged from running or jumping around the pool area. Wet surfaces can be extremely slippery, increasing the risk of serious injuries.

Never leave kids alone in the pool: Children should never be left unattended in the pool, even for a moment. Drowning incidents can happen quickly and silently, making continuous supervision essential.

Ensure life jackets are available: Life jackets or floatation devices should be readily available and used, especially for younger children or those who are not strong swimmers. These devices provide an extra layer of safety.

Perform regular pool maintenance: Regular maintenance of the pool is crucial to ensure it remains a safe environment. This includes checking for any damage, ensuring the water filtration system is functioning correctly, and cleaning the pool regularly to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Replace old pool water with fresh Water: Stagnant water can harbour harmful pathogens. The municipality advises residents to periodically drain and replace pool water to maintain hygiene and reduce the risk of infections.

Monitor chemical levels: Proper chemical balance in the pool water is vital. Residents should regularly test and adjust the chemical levels, such as chlorine and pH, to ensure the water is safe for swimming. Incorrect chemical levels can lead to skin irritations, eye discomfort, and other health issues.

Install safety barriers: Physical barriers such as fences, gates, and pool covers are recommended to prevent unsupervised access to the pool. Safety barriers act as the first line of defence in preventing accidental drownings, especially for toddlers and young children.